Which videocard for OpenSuse 12.3


I am looking for a good videocard for OpenSuse 12.3 / Linux Kernel 3.4 or higher.
Since updated from 12.2 X isn’t working anymore in combination with my Nvidia FX4600 videocard. I had the same problem in the past with Ubuntu. There are so much topics to read about, try a lot of it, but I can’t find the solution.

When reading the forums I also see problems with AMD and Matrox graphics cards, so I don’t know which videocard is working well.
Looking for a PCI-E 16x slot card with dual DVI output. Need to use 2 monitors. I don’t game, but expect working well graphics from video sites and OpenGL sites (google Maps etc)

Thanks for your suggestions and help.


Before you throw money at the problem and get another card, what sort of issue were you having with the fx4600? I’d suspect that it would work just fine and it would be a waste to give up on it.

jurjendevries wrote:

> Looking for a PCI-E 16x slot card with dual DVI output.

Currently running a GTS450

But pretty much all nVidia is good

When updated to the latest version of OpenSuse (and also last year with Ubuntu) it comes with a new kernel version. A range of Nvidia cards with official Nvidia drivers ends up with a blanc screen.
It is something like posted at Blank Screen with 319.12 on Optimus Laptop - Linux - NVIDIA Developer Forums . But there are many more same topics. Some have patches, but not for my kernel (3.4) and driver version 304.88.
Some say to update to kernel 3.9, but I am not sure about future problems if I don’t stay at the current opensuse kernel 3.4 version.

Are you really using kernel 3.4 or is this a typo?
12.3 comes with kernel 3.7, so if you’re still using 3.4 you did something wrong with the update.
And that of course could explain all of your problems…:wink:

Your card should work fine on a fully updated 12.3 I think, with or without the nvidia driver.
But if you want to use 2 monitors I guess you’re better off using the nvidia driver.

Also, if you are using the nvidia driver, you HAVE to reinstall the kernel module after each kernel update.
(Or use the RPMs from the nvidia repo: SDB:NVIDIA drivers - openSUSE Wiki
And removing the file /etc/X11/xorg.conf should prevent you from ending at a blank screen.

Then I did something wrong with the update. I even didn’t want to update, because I had this problems before and then reinstalled 12.2. Normally I have around 5 updates, but now I had around 2000 updates. I made a mistake by accepting that, didn’t now it was upgrading to 12.3 again.

Removing xorg.conf ends up with a very weird screen. And most command line tools also give an error.


Then you seem to have some wrong repos configured.
Can you post the output of “zypper lr -d”?

Removing xorg.conf ends up with a very weird screen. And most command line tools also give an error.

You seem to have a mixture of 12.2 and something else (12.3? Factory?).
Is that the screen you get on the picture?
Really weird, I never saw anything like that. I don’t think that comes from openSUSE.

wolfi323 wrote:

> Really weird, I never saw anything like that. I don’t think that
> from openSUSE.
That’s what I was thinking

Most commands give the same error at this moment, including zypper.
zypper: error while loading shared libraries: libidn.so.11: cannot open shared object file: no such file or directory

I don’t know. I guess it comes from gnome, but not sure about that. I’ve made a movie, maybe you recognized something. At the end, where that screen starts I pressed CTRL-ALT F2 and also tried zypper.


For now I am going to install a clean 12.3. Will keep you updated if I will experience video related problems.

Yes, seems to be gdm.

Sorry to say, but I think the easiest for you would be a new install.
You could also try to boot from the installation media and select “Update existing system”, maybe that would fix your system.

My guess is, that you maybe used some 1-click install for a different openSUSE version. That could have added the base repo for that other version which would explain those 2000 updates.

I did a new install. 12.3 with Gnome, and no autologin.
Now it is booting with Kernel 3.7, and shows the GDM login screen.
I can move the mouse pointer, but can’t click my name of ‘not listed’ text. Nothing happen. Also when pressing space or enter, nothing happen. Any idea, or should I open a new topic for this?

jurjendevries wrote:

> I did a new install. 12.3 with Gnome, and no autologin.

Why not do this with KDE?

So effectively, you cannot log in?

Try to press Ctrl+Alt+F1. This should bring you to a text mode login.
Does this work?
Can you login there?

If yes, edit the file “/etc/sysconfig/displaymanager” and change the line starting with “DISPLAYMANAGER=” to:


(I hope xdm is installed by default, I’m not sure right now.)

You should then get the simpler xdm as login screen. That should do at least for now…

Any idea, or should I open a new topic for this?

Well, I have no opinion about that.

I like / prefer the gnome environment. Btw, KDE had the same issue for me before with Ubuntu.
I just installed again, including auto login, and now have the same problems as I had with the newer kernel and Ubuntu. I still looks the Nvidia and kernel 3.6 / 3.7 problems.

I also tried another installation with KDE, also same problems again.

Do you have these problems when booting to recovery mode as well? (you can find that under “Advanced Options…” in the boot menu)

If that works, try to update your system first.
There were some fixes in the kernel regarding the nouveau driver…

xdm is installed. I can login with that. After that it present gnome or kde (it this moment I have KDE installed), and video also hangs again in the display manager.
I will try to figure out which drivers are installed and howto update to latest nvidia by command line, maybe that will do the trick.

You could also login to IceWM to have a GUI, that one should not crash.

Or try booting to recovery mode as suggested before.

And update you’re system with Apper, PackageKit or YaST->Online Update.

To install the nvidia driver, start YaST->Software Repositories, click on “Add…”, select “Community Repositories” and add the NVIDIA repo.
The go into YaST->Software Management, type nvidia into the search field and install those 3 packages:


You’re card IS supported by the latest driver, I checked on the nvidia homepage.
And you don’t have to do this in text mode.
After a reboot you should be using the nvidia driver and GNOME/KDE will hopefully work.:wink:

Ok, I updated all, but still same problem.

OK, and have you already tried to boot to recovery mode?
Or log in to IceWM?

And did you install the nvidia driver? :wink: