First off, thanks to anyone willing to help me out with what must be a common question. My question is which plugin should I use for Firefox with regards to Java, Iced Tea or Oracle’s Java? I had YaST2 install Oracle’s JRE as part of the restricted features installation (the first batch of updates openSUSE gives you), but there is no Java Web Start (or Java 2 Platform) listed under about:plugins in Firefox. Is there something that needs to be done to enable the Java already on my system, or do I need to install another plugin (OpenJDK, Iced Tea, or Oracle Java with one of their binaries)? Again, any help on the subject is greatly appreciated!
Run “sudo update-alternatives --config java” in a terminal and select the option you want. The iced tea plugin is okay, but still doesn’t work with everything. You can also uninstall anything to do with iced tea/openjdk. This will tell the OS to default to the installed Sun Java. Be sure to restart firefox.
Alright, once I get home I’ll try that command and I let you know what happens.
Thanks for the input 67GTA, but I found another fix. I did a search about the Linux Sun Java Plugin for Firefox, and found that I needed to install the Java sun-1-6-0-plugin package from YaST2. Just finished the install, checked about:plugins, and I have a plugin for virtually all Java versions still in current use on the Internet. Tried it with a Java applet that I use, and it works with one or two rendering issues (probably due to the open source fonts used in Linux distros). Consider this issue solved.