Which one dist OpenSUSE have GCC v3.2.2 ?
Which one dist OpenSUSE have GCC v3.2.2 ?
Looking at software.opensuse.org: Search I’d say none of the supported versions.
Bad news for me.
I need distr with GCC v3.2.2 ( if this will be OLD distr - OK)
Why ?
“Tested with Open H.323 version v1.18.0, PWlib v1.10.0 and GCC v3.2.2. Usage of any
other (especially prior OpenH323 v1.17.3 and PWLib v1.9.2) version is now supported.”
If it’s about asterisk and not about compiling your own version: software.opensuse.org: SearchOtherwise I think you have to elaborate on what you’re trying to achieve. IIRC asterisk is a VOIP server, I would not want that to run on an old distro. Guarantees for running into trouble where support is no longer found.
It would be safe to say that this readme from 2002 is obsolete…
The spec file looks like it enables ooh323?
Ask the asterisk folks if still not sure at Asterisk custom communications - PBX, VoIP gateways, IVRs and more…
Thank your.
for compile PWlib need: expat-devel … in the opensuse12.3 dvd and in the software.opensuse.org: Download openSUSE 12.3 can not found this package.
ooh323 - this is unstable version h323…
the community recommends to use NuFone chan_h323 .
For compile ( see in the asterisk-11.5.1/channels/h323/RADME ) i need
For compie pwlib - i need expat-devel …
On 2013-09-10 11:06, skoltogyan wrote:
> Thank your.
> for compile PWlib need: expat-devel … in the opensuse12.3 dvd and in
> the ‘software.opensuse.org: Download openSUSE 12.3’
> (http://software.opensuse.org/123/en) can not found this package.
asterisk is complicated to build. I know because I tried to. Why don’t
you simply use the available version in the OBS? Telephony repo. If you
insiss on building your own version, you should at least check how that
version was built in order to learn how to build yours.
libexpat-devel is available in main.
Cheers / Saludos,
Carlos E. R.
(from 12.3 x86_64 “Dartmouth” at Telcontar)
The package is called “libexpat-devel”.
But why do you want to compile that older pwlib and openh323, when pwlib-1.11.0 and openh323- are included with openSUSE?
Those requirements from that README are the minimum versions I would say (or the versions they have tested it with at that time when the README was written).
It should work as well with the slightly newer versions I guess.
On 2013-09-10 12:26, wolfi323 wrote:
> It should work as well with the slightly newer versions I guess.
It does. That’s what the ready made version at the OBS does, IIRC.
Cheers / Saludos,
Carlos E. R.
(from 12.3 x86_64 “Dartmouth” at Telcontar)
Thanks, I will try
Yeah, but it could contain patches to make it work. I don’t want to check right now.
At least I know that pwlib needs a patch so it can be compiled on 12.3, see this other thread of skoltogyan:
Yes - with compile pwlib_v1_10_0 under opesuse12.3 - OK ( after manual apply patches )
openh323_v1_18_0 - configure+make clean opt = OK
At this time have problem with atserisk-11.5.1 when ./configure --with-h323=/root/openh323
checking for LOG_UUCP in syslog.h... yes
checking for mandatory modules: OPENH323... fail
configure: ***
configure: *** The OPENH323 installation appears to be missing or broken.
configure: *** Either correct the installation, or run configure
configure: *** including --without-h323.
asterisk02:/usr/local/src/asterisk-11.5.1 # set | grep -i 323
asterisk02:/usr/local/src/asterisk-11.5.1 #
asterisk02:/usr/local/src/asterisk-11.5.1 # set | grep -i PWLIB
asterisk02:/usr/local/src/asterisk-11.5.1 #
You have to install openh323 with “make install”. The include files have to be in a location where the compiler can find them (and no, /root/openh323 is not in the default include path, even when those OPENH323* variables are set… )
The same applies to pwlib.
Or just install the openSUSE packages as I already implied:
zypper in openh323-devel pwlib-devel
Where is “default include path” ?
And - for ./configure `im use command line:
./configure --with-h323=/root/openh323
but have a problem ;(
You really should not be using /root directory to build stuff. In general you should leave /root to itself and build from a regular user as a regular user. Only become root for the install step.
/usr/include/ for starters. But as I already said, run “make install” and it should get installed into the standard system’s path.
Sorry, but if you don’t even know that, why do you insist on compiling it yourself?
As I already said, just install the openSUSE packages! “pwlib-devel” and “openh323-devel”.
Problems of translation of the text of Rus <—> Eng .
In descriptions to these packets it is told what to do only:
make clean opt
without make install.
Your previous responses (not last) so:
export OPENH323DIR=/root/openh323
export OPENH323_DIR=/root/openh323
export OPENH323_LIBDIR=/usr/lib
export PWLIBDIR=/root/pwlib
export PWLIB_LIBDIR=/usr/lib
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/root/pwlib/lib:/root/openh323/lib
./confiure --with-h323=/root/openh323
I understood so: the above-stated commands shall specify for
where to take h323
You told that so it all the same won’t look for include in the directory
I also don’t understand it. Do as it is written in the file
Sorry, those are basics of how to install programs from source:
make install
In descriptions to these packets it is told what to do only:
make clean opt
without make install.
“make clean” should remove everything the compiler has created in the source directory.
Maybe you should read the file “INSTALL” as well, not only the “README”?
Your previous responses (not last) so:
export OPENH323DIR=/root/openh323
export OPENH323_DIR=/root/openh323
export OPENH323_LIBDIR=/usr/lib
export PWLIBDIR=/root/pwlib
export PWLIB_LIBDIR=/usr/lib
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/root/pwlib/lib:/root/openh323/lib
./confiure --with-h323=/root/openh323
I understood so: the above-stated commands shall specify for
where to take h323
You told that so it all the same won’t look for include in the directory
I also don’t understand it. Do as it is written in the file
I never wrote anything like that. And I already told you how to do it, sorry.
Here’s my real quote again:
Do you understand now?
On 2013-09-10 21:26, skoltogyan wrote:
> Problems of translation of the text of Rus <—> Eng .
> In descriptions to these packets it is told what to do only:
> Code:
> --------------------
> make clean opt
> --------------------
> without make install.
About every package in Linux is prepared the same way:
read the manual for exceptions to the procedure
make install
if it is a library, depmod.
Also, you can create an rpm with “checkinstall”. Recommended.
But all this is basic knowledge, and asterisk is difficult to build. Why
don’t you want to use the already made package? You have not answered
this yet, or I have not seen it.
Cheers / Saludos,
Carlos E. R.
(from 12.3 x86_64 “Dartmouth” at Telcontar)