Which mainbord to use with Opensuse 1.1 64 bit and 8 to 16 GB RAM ?

looking or an actual new mainboard that is compatible with Opensuse 11.1 64
bit and supports up to 8 oder 16 GB RAM. Anyone here that has some
experience with this and can share information?


Your research needs to consider more than just the mainboard. You can look here and see what some users have added to the HCL: Hardware - openSUSE

It’s not a comprehensive list, but a good starting point. It helped me build my box 2yrs ago and buy my current Laptop. Both run Linux very well.

Thank you,
OK, I was there before, but I found that the hardware mentioned there is sometimes very old. And not any of the mainboards listed there and marked compatible with 64 bit you can buy today. So it doesn´t really help me to set up a new PC with new hardware. It may help if I use an old box and want to free it from Windows and let it run with linux.


“caf4926” <caf4926@no-mx.forums.opensuse.org> schrieb im Newsbeitrag news:caf4926.3vzpbb@no-mx.forums.opensuse.org
> Your research needs to consider more than just the mainboard. You can
> look here and see what some users have added to the HCL: ‘Hardware -
> openSUSE’ (http://en.opensuse.org/Hardware)
> It’s not a comprehensive list, but a good starting point. It helped me
> build my box 2yrs ago and buy my current Laptop. Both run Linux very
> well.
> –
> Box: Linux i686 PAE | Fedora 10 | KDE4.2.4 | M2N4-SLI
> | AMD 64 X2 5200+ | nVidia 8500GT | 4GB RAM
> Lap: openSUSE 11.1 | Celeron 550 | (KDE4.2.98)“150” RC3 | Intel 965 GM
> | Lenovo R61e | 3GB RAM
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> caf4926’s Profile: http://forums.opensuse.org/member.php?userid=204
> View this thread: http://forums.opensuse.org/showthread.php?t=418905

Just make sure it supports that much RAM. It will say so on the spec page of the manufacturer. Usually it’s limited by the number of DIMM slots and the max RAM capacity of the stick that you can put in each slot.

There is no issue with Linux handling that amount of RAM. People routinely run servers with even more RAM.

As caf4926 wrote, check the other hardware for compatibility.

Klemens Lichter adjusted his/her AFDB on Monday 27 Jul 2009 15:34 to write:

> Hi,
> looking or an actual new mainboard that is compatible with Opensuse 11.1
> 64 bit and supports up to 8 oder 16 GB RAM. Anyone here that has some
> experience with this and can share information?
> Thanks
> Klemens
> –

If you want to go the AND/ATI route then I can vouch for the Gigabyte* GA-
MA790XT-UD4P that I am typing on at the moment this is an AM3 board with
DDR3 mem, 7.1 surround + spdif in/out Gigabit ethernet, 2 External SATA 3Gbs
with back plane, 8 Sata`s and loads more, I built this machine last night
and is working flawlessly.

Unfortunately I have only got a Phenom X3 in it at the moment and 4Gigs ram
but it is sweet enough for the time being, all worked out of the box with
just a tweak for the sound ( and I am using all 7.1 )

I also have an AM2+ board GA-MA790X-DS4 with an AMD64 X2 in it here works
out of the box ( same tweaks for the sound )

Both systems running 64bit O/S with nothing drastic to do.

I will say though that I have not used Gigabyte before ( mostly MSI + Epox )
but when I tried the Phenom in the AM2+ board I was having probs with it
booting with the later BIOS, the tech support was absolutely great going
through their online messaging, quick to answer and even though we could not
sort it out they did try for over 2 weeks ( I think that I have now sorted
it myself as it was related to the mem voltage and not the CPU, my OCZ mem
needs a higher standard voltage than the board defaults to and so would not
boot )

Other than that a good solid working board, both arel be doing Boinc 24/7 on
all cores totally stable.

All my other machines are 32bit and so do not count :slight_smile:


*I will have to state I do not work for them or have any connection with
them other than being a happy camper :slight_smile:

Caveat emptor
Nullus in verba
Nil illegitimi carborundum