Which Launcher do you use/like ?


have been played with openSUSE for a month, this is my first linux distribution over all & this distro is great! :slight_smile:

back to topic, which launcher do you use/like to browse your applications on openSUSE ?
mine is Lancelot, its very easy to browse your application with “no-click Activation” functions on that Launcher :slight_smile:

for me lancelot and kickoff. lancelot is greate but seems to be less stable than kickoff.

i think lancelot have more better stability, for me lancelot is easy and fun to navigate :slight_smile:

In KDE, right clicking on the desktop, I selected “Desktop Settings” → “Mouse Actions”, and then set the mouse middle button as Application Launcher.

And that’s the launcher that I use. It’s the same selections as KDE kickoff → Applications, but with a lot fewer mouse clicks needed.

And then there’s the command line, in a terminal window that I always have open. The command line is a great launcher.

I guess I’ll vote “other” in the poll.

I guess this is bout KDE users (becasue I see KDE mentioned in tthe list items, but I am not sure there isn;t also Gnome or or other DEs there, how should I know?). But that is not very clear from the description.

Then always when I start KDE for the first time (does not happen to often), I changte Kmenu from what it is then to what I thhink they call “classic”, or “old” or something like that. Is that what you mean.

When you read these remarks of mine, you may come to the conclusion that you composed a text that is strongly bounded to your level of understanding of this tiny bit of Linuyx knowledge. And that manny people will skip this because they only understand half what it is about. But that may be your goal, I do not know. Maybe you only want answers from peole that understand the lingo you use.

thanks for the tips nrickert, its very usefull, now i can run application with more easy! :slight_smile:

The UK spell checker here on seamonkey eventually picked up those 8 errors. Great finale with last line though. :smiley:

Hm, it seems that I talk riddles as much as this poll rotfl!

My SeaMonkey’s UK spell checker picked up one error :slight_smile:


I voted for “other as” i use GNOME Shell Activities as well as shell command launcher (Alt+F2)

Ah, the deliberate mistake, aka spell-check tester. :smiley:

I forgot about Alt+F2. It could qualify for its own entry in the poll. I use it if I can’t remember the name of an app, document, etc.

I had to Unlock and Add Widgets > Application Launchers, for cryptic poll clues. So “Lancelot Launcher” isn’t a comic-book superhero character then.

Lancelot is not a superhero.He is a knight from Arthur’s round table (epic from UK).

Likewise :wink:

Forgot to mention Shell activities alkso searches my SeaMonkey bookmarks

ah… sorry, i forget to add GNOME shell/launcher, but because you already vote, i will left the poll like that.
or maybe i can add the GNOME shell/launcher there ? but how ? :\

I am not sure. But i don’t think we can edit the polls and add new options :frowning:
You may try and pm the mods though :slight_smile:

hmm… i think i will left it like that, because the GNOME Users already voted the “other” polls :slight_smile:

Of course you can not edit polls after you starrted them and people voted. That would be fraude.

I was only kidding, and could of made that clearer. Lancelot has been used as a first name in modern times, so “Lancelot Launcher” sounded like a person’s name. :slight_smile:

It would be surprising to find someone from the UK who didn’t know something about the Lancelot from Arthurian Legend – explained there in Wikipedia.

Oops no edit for bad English. I meant “could have made”.