Which fs type for a sd-card from a camera ?

Hi all !,

I’ve got an “emachines 1200”, Suse 11.1. This PC includes an SD-card reader wich works perfectly with a vfat automatically mounted card (fat32 probably).

But , with an sdcard coming from my Panasonic LUMIX:

  • no automatic detection
  • when I plug the card, I get a new device “/dev/sdc1”
  • I mount it by : mount -t usbfs /dev/sdc1 /mnt
  • find /mnt -ls | awk ‘{printf("%7d %10s %s
    538 drwxr-xr-x /mnt
    1183 dr-xr-xr-x /mnt/002
    1765 -rw-r–r-- /mnt/002/002
    1267 -rw-r–r-- /mnt/002/001
    540 dr-xr-xr-x /mnt/001
    335100 -rw-r–r-- /mnt/001/012
    1753 -rw-r–r-- /mnt/001/004
    1301 -rw-r–r-- /mnt/001/002
    1182 -rw-r–r-- /mnt/001/001
    539 -r–r–r-- /mnt/devices

When plugged in my LUMIX, I have (and see) 94 photographs !

Where are they hidden ?

Other way : when I connect my LUMIX via it’s USB cables, I get almost exactly the same thing :

538 drwxr-xr-x /mnt

1183 dr-xr-xr-x /mnt/002
336428 -rw-r–r-- /mnt/002/006
1765 -rw-r–r-- /mnt/002/002
1267 -rw-r–r-- /mnt/002/001
540 dr-xr-xr-x /mnt/001
1753 -rw-r–r-- /mnt/001/004
1301 -rw-r–r-- /mnt/001/002
1182 -rw-r–r-- /mnt/001/001
539 -r–r–r-- /mnt/devices

Any idea is welcome !
