where's my /opt/gnome folder?

i’m trying to add that free fluendo mp3 decoder, but i can’t seem to find /opt/gnome/lib/gstreamer-0.10 folder where the decoder should reside.
only /opt/kde there

  • Gnome has been moved away from /opt several releases ago.

  • I bet there are ready made packages for openSUSE making such “copy by hand”-actions unnecessary.

The gstreamer package is called gst-fluendo-mp3 and it’s available via YaST or zypper, you should not blindly just copy files around.

Alternatively you can use the pullin-fluendo-mp3 package.

ok… thanks for your help…
i’m still a noob… so i try to get along

zypper install gst-fluendo-mp3

this one worked perfectly

Maybe but you’re a good ‘noob’, you learn fast :wink:

If you run into issues playing various non-free formats, take a look at http://opensuse-community.org/Restricted_Formats/ - it has lots of information and easy to install software to play most of the common formats out there.

thanks :slight_smile: good noob is not all that bad i guess…
and since you’re so kind to me, i have yet another question, kinda off topic, but what the heck
when i install packages with zypper, and later i decide to remove them, does it remove all the dependencies as well?

No, it does not.

so how do i remove those?


gee… i better like aptitude then

Yeah, especially the “autoremove” features.

Ever had the “pleasure” to fix another users installation who trusted this autoremove without having at least a second look, what is getting removed?

That’s real fun.

You can try “rpmorphan”, but be aware that all of those autoremove features do not work reliably (not even aptitude).

Also read “man rpm” especially the parameters related to requires and provides.

yea… i guess rpmorphan is the best solution here…
i used deborphan under ubuntu, and it worked fine…

and this is what i’ve found with rpmorphan:



Removing orphaned packages is a little… tricky, I wouldn’t recommend trying it out much, it can have nasty side effects if dependencies aren’t correctly set or calculated - as in software simply stops working or you can even cripple your installation completely if it decides to remove some “oh so critical” packages.

Perhaps in a future version of zypper they’ll introduce some form of package cleanup - I won’t hold my breath on that tho’.