Where will my Android phone mount when I connect it to Suse linux?

I am assuming it will mount in /Media/device name?

Seems it was designed to mount better under windows pcs.

It is a Huawei Ascend from metro pcs.

Will I have any issues trying to mount it and manipulate data under Suse Linux?

It will not mount somewhere inside /Media (which most probably does not exist in your system), but somewhere inside* /media*.
That is when it presents itself as a storage device (disk). The directory inside /media that will be used for the mount depends on how it presents itself with respect to volume label of the partition and other things. Why not put it in and see what happens?

BTW, it is openSUSE (Linux) and not Suse linux. And when you have further questions about this (or other things) feel free, but please also tell which level of openSUSE you use and which Desktop (KDE, Gnome, …). It helps other people who try to help you.

Don’t know what you mean by “better under Windows”. My Android works perfectly with openSUSE, all you need to do is plug it into the USB port, it will ask if charge only or disk drive, then be mounted and available for file operations like any other USB device. Can’t see any room for improvement.

I think it depends on the version of Android on your phone ?

Don’t think so. Works with 2.0 and 2.2 for sure. Never tried earlier or later versions myself.

I have not been able to get my android phone to connect or even be recognized by openSUSE 12.1.
My phone is an HTC my touch 4g running on android v 2.21 kernel version


I found out that after shutting my phone off, removing the battery and then restarting it after a couple of minutes, openSUSE did
recognize the phone and I could access the memory card on it.


I connected my Sons HTC - android to my 12.1 laptop a couple of days ago
No problem
My android phone also works perfectly