Hardly ever mentioned is a small utility called “ntfs-config” available in the repo-oss. Install and run and simply check the boxes of the ntfs partitions you want a regular user to have read - write access to and your done. I know all the gurus want us noobs to learn to edit the fstab and I can but I am also lazy.
On 11/24/2009 10:16 AM, dirtpile wrote:
> I recently installed 11.2 w/KDE and noticed a big problem, root owns my
> entire windows drive.
> Also I want to switch to Gnome so I’ll be reinstalling.
You don’t need to reinstall to get Gnome. From YaST => Software Management,
select “View Patterns” and choose the “GNOME Desktop Environment”. After you do
that, log out. From the login screen, you can select either KDE or Gnome.