Where to get the longterm Kernel 6.12 for Leap 15.6

I am using this repo to get a newer kernel for my pc:

It worked fine. Recently the kernel version in that repo bumped from 6.12 to 6.13, which I believe is because 6.12 was announced to be a longterm version. (On https://www.kernel.org 6.12 is still marked as stable though).

I didn’t find a kernel/longterm repo for back port. I wonder if there is one, and if not, what would be the main reason of not having it?

@heraq2000 I suspect it’s here;https://download.opensuse.org/repositories/Kernel:/slowroll:/Backport/standard/

Previous answer from developer was: unavailable.

I see “lp155” in packages names.


IIRC, that’s what Takashi told me. :smiley: