where to adjust the resolution for login form of OpenSUSE


My laptop has a 4k screen. Just now I install NVIDIA graphic driver for it and set resolution to 1920 x 1080.

Problem comes.

Everytime I boot my laptop, the login form of OpenSUSE looks very big.

I have forget how to set resolution or scale for the login form. Could anyone help?

Thanks in advance!

Could be in Yast2-bootloader-kernel parameters-console resolution set the appropriate resolution
For font size and style adjustment if you are using KDE use QT5 Settings you may use it probably as root.

I just take a trying according to your method. I found that the resolution I selected for graphic console only affect the screen of booting process. At the end of booting when login form present, all my selections in yast2-bootloader do not change the looking of the login form.

All things are ok if I use nouveau driver. I get problem when I use NVIDIA driver.

Waiting for help.

Which display manager is in use here?

FWIW, here’s a 2018 thread where you asked the same (refer post #9 onwards)…