Where The Heck Is The Screensaver (KDE)??

Running OpenSUSE 11.1 with KDE4, can’t for the life of me find the screensaver settings, and before someone says “login screen”, I don’t have one, single user machine.

You’d think screensaver settings would be under “Desktop Settings”, but that’s too easy, eh?


For me, screensavers can be found in start>Configure Desktop>Desktop. On the left hand panel, you will find Screen Saver.

Not quite where it was, but I finally found it - KDE4 “Start” is quite a mess, the desktop settings are really buried, copying it to my Desktop as I write. :slight_smile:


KDE4 is very similar to Vista, you have to do more steps now to do simple things.

I know it’s an old thread, but I hit it tonight while looking for the same answer. Here it is…

Click “Start Button | Configure Desktop”

Under the “Hardware” section, click “Display and Monitor”

On the left pane, there is a “Screen Saver” section. Click it.

There you go. It’s hidden in an obfuscated area under a plain white wrapper.


Welcome new openSUSE poster and thanks for the help. I am thinking that 2008 is pretty old for sure, but perhaps they might still look in here. One never knows for sure.

Thank You for using openSUSE,

in KDE 4.10 (so I presume the standard 12.3 KDE install) it is now called screen locker
but your instructions on how to get there still apply. :wink:

> perhaps they might still look in here.

new users will look wherever google points… this thread is
(currently) 1st hit from these terms, in these fora:

kde4 screensaver settings

