Where is the System Journal and how to read it?

Hi all,

I am trying to setup CouchPotato to run as a daemon when the system starts. My init.d script is not working for some reason and I get

redirecting to systemctl
Job failed. See system journal and 'systemctl status' for details.

Where is this journal and how can I see what is inside to know what is the problem with my script?


i see you have not been around here long so WELCOME but when you ask a
question here you need to tell what operating system and version you are

like for instance: if you are running openSUSE 12.1 or 12.2 you need a
very different answer than if you are running (still supported) openSUSE
11.4, or Evergreened openSUSE 11.1 and 11.2, or any version of SLES/D,
or . . .

and, not always but almost always you need to also specify which desktop
and version you are using, if any (because almost always how to get to
where you need to be will be affected by which DE you choose…

and, we can’t guess any of that.

dd http://goo.gl/PUjnL

Try “systemd-journalctl -a”. You may also find some information in /var/log/messages. Finally you can disable redirecting to systemctl by using “SYSTEMD_NO_WRAP=yes /etc/init.d/script-name start”

Sorry about that, I will put it in my signature so I won’t forget it again.
I am using openSUSE 12.2 with command line

That worked, thanks