Where is the Irc Chat for this distribution?

Where is the Irc Chat for this distribution?

#suse on freenode,should get you there


Thank you
Actually its irc.freenode.net then #Suse :smiley:

Also have a look here if looking for more specific support channels : Communicate/IRC - openSUSE

Remember to read the rules before entering.

#suse is for tech support.
#opensuse-kde for KDE matters (non-generic)
#opensuse-gnome for GNOME matters (non-generic)

#opensuse-chat is for everything else.

And if no one replies the reasons are most likely:

  1. No one is around (Many of us work and thus aren’t there all the time or are otherwise busy)
  2. People don’t necessarily know the answer or if they do, see 1.

We generally don’t say “Hello” or “Hi” to people who come in to lessen the amount of data flowing through the channel - not a sign of rudeness, simply saving time.

Thank You :slight_smile: