Where is my GDM login windows gone?


Quick question.
I have gone from Suse 10.3 to 11.3, completly refreshed.
I used to have boot screens really nice ones come up at random after Grub loaded.

Now with the 11.3 that is gone.
I looked at GDM and see it is different from my prevous version and does not seem to have the option to have the login window.
Is there any way to get back the old version of GDM?


This version of gdm is not themeable, but you can still change the login screen background and appeareance with some tricks. Look at the posts in that thread: change login screen…


I have read through the thread that you posted in response.
Is there and has there been a request to put the functionality back in GDM manger for the window logon.

What a shame that this was removed, so much for improvements.

The shame goes to the new gdm maintainer, who decided to rewrite the program from scratch without caring a **** about people using features he didn’t want to reimplement. IMHO when you change that much of a program you should start a fork and not call it the same name. This new gdm version has not much in common with the old gdm 2.20 version branch.


Yes agreed!

Not to mention it gives new users to Suse or any other Linux distro a bad feeling, if they did an upgrade like me.
Can you emagine, just like me, I was showing some freinds how great Suse and Mandriva are, “check this out” I said, as I showed them
all the amazing login screens that I have added through GDM.
Now I have same freinds asking me where and how I got the login windows.
I had to tell them that this was do to an upgrade.
They were disapointed to say the least as well as a little nervous that something that was working great and looked great has now compltelt been erased!
I hope someone else will take the GDM and wre-write it back to the way it was.