Where I can get libwx-32bit Packages for 64bit Linux.

I really need the 32bit Libraries of wxWidgets.
32bit Packages for 64bit Linux normally called name_of_package-32bit
i only know that it is in openSUSE… :wink:

i cannot find libwx-32bit packages anywhere, can someone help me :frowning:

the program i want to run is a 32bit only program, 64bit is impossible for this program
and here you can find it PCSX2 Playstation 2 emulator - News

i really need help
thanks in advance

EDIT: only pre-compiled thinks please, compiling takes too long and 100% CPU usage

Hello SoftHacker,

Do you know that there are packages for pcsx2 in the Emulators repository?
I think this is easier than searching for libwx-32bit and installing it.

You didn’t tell us, but I assume your running openSUSE 11.4, in that case you can get the package from here:
software.opensuse.org: Search Results

Good luck!:wink:

thanks man
i got it, PCSX2 working now

and I have openSUSE 11.4

played the first PS2 game in linux :open_mouth: