I want to store my Konqueror bookmarks in a /data partition, sothat my other multiboot openSUSE installations can share / use the same bookmark files.
For that I need to know where Konqueror store the location of the bookmarks, sothat i can setup the new location on the /data partition.
I currently have already all my document, download, picture, music, film, kmail and kadressbook data in the /data partition, sothat all my multiboot openSUSE installations can use the same data.
Currently my bookmarks are in /home/frans/
but that is not my question. My question is how does konqueror knows that they are in above mentioned directory, because I want to instruct konqueror that the bookmarks are in
/data/frans/…/…whatever after I have copied them to there.
I have tried the softlink and it worked correctly. Since I have not used softlinks before I had run into some problems and just want to mention them sothat others know these things beforehand.
1 Copy the wanted konqueror directory, with most of your bookmarks from /home/user/.kde/share/apps to separate data partition under /data/user/.kde/share/apps
2 rename the konqueror directory in /home/user/.kde/share/apps to
konqueror-old That is needed to create the softlink in the /home/user/.kde/share/apps directory
3 create the softlink in the /home/user/.kde/share/apps directory with the following command
ln -s /data/user/.kde/share/apps/konqueror /home/user/.kde/share/apps/konqueror
4 Repeate the steps 2 and 3 in the your other multiboot openSUSE installations, sothat they can share/use the same bookmark files out of the konqueror directory in your separate data partition under /data/user/.kde/share/apps
Thanks Malcolm
Regards, Frans
PS I have not tried your other suggestion. How can I find out what to put in the ~/.kde/share/config/konquerorrc file.