Let me begin by saying, total noob, and I’m sorry if this question has been asked before.
I came from windoze so pardon me if my vocabulary is incorrect.
In the system tray, (right hand side near the clock) I’ve got a few icons. Battery monitor, bluetooth, network monitor. All of these were working fine. I restarted the computer and now instead of nice easily readible icons, i have thre “pages” iconts that look like documents and the only way to tell them apart is by mousing over them.
I am running kde 3.5 installed to my hard drive from the install dvd.
I was running openSUSE 11.0 - and it looks like i was auto updated to openSUSE 11.0 - which looks like a few steps backward to me?
Well The is the default version that comes from the install source.
As there are two interesting things here I think that the problem is that you updated part of the kde3 package but not all of it them.
What you can do is reinstall kde3 from the install DVD or update all of kde3 thru YOU.
The quickest hack wuld be to delite the kde prefference folder (or it’s content) for that user, so the kde settings wuld revert to the install defaults.
That folder is “/home/<user_name>/.kde/”
Note the dot .kde in the name, this hides the folder in konqueror to see it enable view->show hidden files in konqueror.
Thanks, that seems to have gotten me back to the beginning so I’ve got everything back the way I want it. My next question is, what did I do to “partially update” kde and how do I avoid doing it again?
Have you installed eny 3-rd party applications?
Can you post a screen shot?
What applications are running in the tray? (kpower, YOU, kinternet? eny other?)
I’ld recomend to Update SUSE and KDE with YOU, but first check how are the reposetories configured, the SUSE update and the KDE repo’s shuld have higher prioreties from the local DVD.
I’ve been runing SUSE sence 9.1, and the only time something like this happend was when I had a power outage and the preferences waren’t saved properly.