I plug in my QuickCam® Ultra Vision and please I really need help with my Cam.
I look into yast and can`t find it.
I really appreciate for u to give me hands;).
I plug in my QuickCam® Ultra Vision and please I really need help with my Cam.
I look into yast and can`t find it.
I really appreciate for u to give me hands;).
check these places to see which driver it needs
HCL/Web Cameras - openSUSE
Creative Linux Webcam Support
Linux OVCam Drivers - List of known devices
then install the correct driver & away you go
Before I look into,what you told me to do.
In System Setting I can setup my photo camera,so is there a setup that I can chose my webcam is there or here.
In system settings is there I can setup my webcam?:\
Nope, just install the driver & use Kopete,Cheese or any other webcam program you want, they all have their own method of setting it up
Thank u Andy I really appreciate for helping me out,I`ll keep in mind.
Thanks again;)
I plug in my QuickCam® Ultra Vision and please I really need help with my Cam.
I look into yast and can`t find it.
I really appreciate for u to give me hands;).
PS it is solved
why don’t you tell us what you think you did?
Cool, glad you got it sorted,now enjoy
Yes I sorted out now from that date it was working perfect until now.
The problem is I can see my self all black what is it and how can I a just it?