When will Virtualbox 7.1.2 hit the repos?


Networking (NAT?) is broken in Virtualbox 7.1.0


solution is in 7.1.2, which hasn’t hit repos in more than 2 weeks now,

Any ideas when this will be solved? Need my NAT-internet access back for my guests… :frowning:

Not exactly, Bridged networking works.

I only use NATed. NAT is not a bug, but a feature.

When will 7.1.2 hit the repos? Where is the problem?

Lack of maintainer?

Answer? Or brainstorming?

If you would only pay a little bit of attention, you would have noticed that the main maintainer of Virtualbox for openSUSE passed away some time ago. Virtualbox is a beast of a package to build, and the former maintainer took many knowledge with him. This was discussed in the forum.


Sorry, but I’m a user and can not follow-up on the details of each package I have to use…

No disrespect to Finger, but openSUSE seems to use that as an excuse.

Personally, we don’t use the “dedicated openSUSE” install. It’s unfortunate they think a distinct install is required.

quote (pay a little bit of attention):

Oracle Corporation develops and supports Oracle VM VirtualBox. Oracle VM VirtualBox is a free and open source virtualization software that is cross-platform. Oracle provides support and development for the software, while the community also contributes to it.

Where exactly is the excuse?

Where exactly is the excuse?
end quote

Read hui response.

If you would only pay a little bit of attention, you would have noticed that the main maintainer of Virtualbox for openSUSE passed away some time ago.

Yes, and? Larry Finger did this as a volunteer. Just as the current person attempting to keep it working does this as a volunteer. Just like basically everything within the openSUSE project is done by volunteers.

So where is this “excuse”?

Sad to hear about Mr. Larry but good to finally learn the reason why there is a delay in VirtualBox updates. I must say, as a user it’s frustrating but hopefully the current maintainer can keep it going and update VirtualBox at a good pace. Also, hope he gets some help.
I am using Arch at the moment but thinking about coming back to Tumbleweed again. I remember Arch received VirtualBox 7.1.2 within a few hours of its release. VirtualBox is a must for me so can’t move to Tumbleweed till it’s updated to the latest build.

We use: VirtualBox-7.1-7.1.2 … .x86_64
from their website.

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Well, forget 7.1.2.
Version 7.1.4 is out now with some fixes and changes that seems quite important

…moving target. I would like to have my VMs with functional networking back, so anything newer than now highly appreciated.

repeat: :slight_smile:

We use: VirtualBox-7.1-7.1.2 … .x86_64
from their website.

Sorry, I read your post, but try to avoid installing anything outside (official) repos…

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Care to volunteer as the maintainer of VirtualBox for openSUSE?

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No expertise on this side. I’m just a user. Why does everybody imply that a linux user has the necessary expertise for debugging this and that or even be the maintainer of some “beast of a package”?


I was able to install the latest version 7.1.4 in a Tumbleweed VM.

  1. Uninstall VirtualBox if already installed and reboot the system.

  2. Install kernel-devel by, sudo zypper in kernel-devel

  3. Download the All distributions build from here: Linux_Downloads – Oracle VirtualBox

  4. Make it executable, chmod +x VirtualBox-7.1.4-165100-Linux_amd64.run

  5. Run it, sudo ./VirtualBox-7.1.4-165100-Linux_amd64.run

  6. If you’re using Secure Boot like me then it will show these in Terminal,
    System is running in Secure Boot mode, however your distribution
    does not provide tools for automatic generation of keys needed for
    modules signing. Please consider to generate and enroll them manually:

    sudo mkdir -p /var/lib/shim-signed/mok

    sudo openssl req -nodes -new -x509 -newkey rsa:2048 -outform DER -addext “extendedKeyUsage=codeSigning” -keyout /var/lib/shim-signed/mok/MOK.priv -out /var/lib/shim-signed/mok/MOK.der

    sudo mokutil --import /var/lib/shim-signed/mok/MOK.der

    sudo reboot now

  7. You will have to enroll keys at this point and reboot at the end of it.

  8. Now run, sudo /sbin/vboxconfig or sudo rcvboxdrv setup. Both does the same thing.

  9. Add your user to vboxuser group via Yast. You probably already know how to do it since it is required even after installing VirtualBox from the Tumbleweed repo.

After all these it still didn’t run for me. Turned out it still needed one dependency. Terminal showed something like, libgthread_2.so.0 doesn’t exit.
10. So, I installed it by, sudo zypper in libgthread-2_0-0.

Now VirtualBox opened inside the VM. I suppose it should work on all Tumbleweed machines and safe to use. Otherwise VirtualBox probably wouldn’t release this build and consider it suitable for all distributions.
I think you should try this. Check if all your VMs are able to run, if your NAT issue is gone, if features like clipboard, drag and drop are working or not.
If everything works then congratulations, if it doesn’t then uninstall or rollback snapshot.

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