When will rtl8761b driver be included in Leap?

About when can I expect the rtv8761b USB Bluetooth 5 driver to be included in openSUSE Leap? Right now only the “a” version is supported, and not the “b” version I need.

According to https://linuxreviews.org/Realtek_RTL8761B the “b” version is included by default with kernel 5.8+, and this driver was added upstream on 2021-Jun-29 according to https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/firmware/linux-firmware.git/commit/?id=7118987b2f7aff733573121607bc9640a4880296

As of today, my very up to date kernel is at version 5.8.13-150300.59.43.

You might want to experiment with Leap 15.4 Alpha. It is using a 5.14 kernel.

Leap 15.3 is using a backported kernel 5.9.

Please post:


to get the ID of the Chip.

As of today, my very up to date kernel is at version 5.8.13-150300.59.43.

You mean:

uname -a
Linux laptop 5.3.18-150300.59.43-default #1 SMP Sun Jan 23 19:27:23 UTC 2022 (c76af22) x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

Wow! Thank you for that exciting news! :smiley: I’m very busy with other stuff now, so I will wait for the 15.4 public release.

Thank you for that information. I have no interest in putting a lot of effort into getting the adapter working. I just want a simple, plug and go.

nrickert provided me with the information for what I want.

Since you asked:
for lsusb:

0bda:8771 Realtek Semiconductor Corp

For uname -a:

Linux CoreV71 5.3.18-150300.59.43-default #1 SMP Sun Jan 23 19:27:23 UTC 2022 (c76af22) x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

In your first post you said 5.8.13-150300.59.43

Do you now understand why we prefer copied/pasted computer facts above user talk? rotfl!

I do, and that is normally what I do. When I made the post was exhausted at the end of my day, and it was a mistake. I used the information form KinfoCenter instead of uname. I’m not sure I could have even remember to use “uname” when I made the original post.

You may install Leap 15.4 kernel in Leap 15.3.

Thank you for the suggestion.