I actually find KDE 4.0 more stable in SUSE11.0 than KDE 3.5. It runs faster, gives me less grief, and seems to overall run a hell of a lot faster with a lot less errors. Only thing I don’t like is I cannot seem to open Konqueror or Dolphin from terminal while logged in as root. This is a problem for me because it limits me from editing the /root files from a graphical perspective. Other than that, I urge people to switch! At least for fellow SUSE11.0 users. It works faster, looks slick, and crashes less! I even got Vegastrike to play under KDE 4.0 with ease!
I cannot seem to open Konqueror or Dolphin from terminal while logged in as root
No. Not a good idea.
I have not tried it and don’t intend to. But it works from user terminal. Thought there are issues with su dolphin
Are you using kde 4.1.3 factory - you should be
I put in my openSUSE 11.0 disk and told it KDE 4.0 and then I tried to download all the appropriate software updates. According to my system tray, it says KDE 4.0.4 so that’s what I must have. The release is 15.2 so how do I get 4.1? Can I just upgrade to it from the automatic updates?
You have to add these repo’s with the repo manager in yast
KDE4 Factory:
Index of /repositories/KDE:/KDE4:/Factory:/Desktop/openSUSE_11.0
Index of /repositories/KDE:/KDE4:/Factory:/Extra-Apps/openSUSE_11.0
Index of /repositories/KDE:/KDE4:/Community/openSUSE_11.0_KDE4_Factory_Desktop
The Desktop one is the Main one. You may find you don’t actually have any packages installed yet from the other two.
Once added
use yast Software Management
Filter by repo
go to the new kde4 desktop (you will see lots of blue packages - maybe some red)
At the top of the screen - click Packages
and the find ‘Update all in this list Unconditionally’
do the same with the other 2 repo’s if there are Packages in them.
If you get dependency errors and can’t figure it out, use the expert button to save it to file and paste it here
StevenJ61 schreef:
> Can I just upgrade to it from the automatic
> updates?
As Cat4926 explained you can, but i must say that if you’re happy with what you got (it seems to fit your needs) stick with it, no need to get the latest and greatest if everything is stable and is fulfilling your needs.
Chris Maaskant
Doesn’t one need to also add the Qt repository in order to upgrade to KD4.1.x or 4.2beta?
Index of /repositories/KDE:/Qt/openSUSE_11.0
Not for the repo’s above 4.1.3 - the QT packages have be merged into the desktop repo.
but I have just moved my Laptop to Unstable 4.2, as shown in sig.
And I had to add the QT repo there.
Well I got KDE 4.1.3 working, release 63.3. So it does work. It took me two tries. I crashed the system the first time so I had to reinstall it through yast in init 3 but it works. I’ll let you know what I think.