when I type open office does not put letters on the screen

After installing lots of stuff from the main repo (letters Q though U). I, apon starting to catalog the missing software that V-Z needed (and I did not have) I found that open office would not print letters on the screen. I tried rebooting (the computer)and reinstalling (open office is what I reinsalled) and nothing worked. I then tried to type on to a txt document using Kwrite and it wored at first then it started to type symbols and a pop up on the lower left showed the symbols then ABC etc. I clicked on ABC and Kwrite worked but open office did not. If it helps I installed some program that had to do whith typing python. I need to know the following

1:Is it a bug or my mistake?
2:How do I get open office up and running?

On 08/09/2011 06:36 PM, ballsystemlord wrote:

> 1:Is it a bug or my mistake?

this might be helpful…

> 2:How do I get open office up and running?

i’d say if figure out what is causing the problem in #1 then #2 will
probably be magically fixed also…

i see you have not been in the forums long (welcome) does that mean you
ran a different distro before openSUSE…and, did you maybe keep your
old /home? if so, i bet if you follow my advice in the above cited
thread you will have some luck.

openSUSE®, the “German Engineered Automobiles” of operating systems!

lets check for something simple… i’ll bet that the text color was changed and it matches the background… say white text on a white background… :slight_smile: check the color of the text and see if it set to the same as the background. in the second row of toolbars there is an icon for adjusting the text color, in the dialog that open make sure you select the “automatic” text color.

failing that try again and pick a contrasting color and see if that works.

I hope this helps.


Hey thanks for welcoming me; and sorry for getting the name wrong (openoffice) it’s realy called libreoffice and because it has the same icon and works the same I use the names interchangeably.
Here is the news the programs name is SCIM and I thought based on the description givin by yast2 that it could type python but I’m not so sure any more and I decided to uninstall it because it was beging to prevent me from playing games using the keyboard. There is a certain key combination you use to make it’s window pop up and I was hitting it by accident all the time, and once I unistalled it libreoffice started working, as did Pingus. So thanks for your concern!

> once I unistalled it libreoffice started

very happy you sorted out the problem and can now play games!!

Have a lot of fun!!

openSUSE®, the “German Engineered Automobile” of operating systems!