Hi all,
I’m hoping someone can help me with a problem I’m having.
I’d like to use my laptop at two different locations. At location 1, I can connect to the internet and do everything I want to do when /var/run/netconfig/NetworkManager.netconfig contains the following:
DNSSEARCH=’***. . site’
DNSSERVERS=' *** ***’
I’ve replaced some entries under DNSSEARCH and DNSSERVERS with *** because I’m not sure whether there are potential security issues with posting this information on the internet. The CREATETIME number varies, but I assume it’s not that important.
When I log in at location 1, one of the entries under DNSSEARCH is missing and I have to add it manually and then type /sbin/netconfig update -f. After that, everything works fine until the next time I log in, when that entry under DNSSEARCH is missing again. When I tried saving the correct version of the file as something like NetworkManager.netconfig.backup so that I can just delete the wrong version when it’s generated and rename the correct version, I realized that not only does NetworkManager.netconfig get rewritten every time I log in, but everything else in the directory gets deleted too. What could be doing this?
When I log in at location 2, NetworkManager.netconfig just contains:
i.e. all the important information is gone.
Any help would be very much appreciated!