After to download and install, i try out my new SO and i want to configure the security in the system. Yes, i know that a lot people say “linux is totally secure, you don’t need nothing…” and yes i believe in it, but i want to learn at use the tools that linux give for it.
Could you help me in this? I want to configure each option possible, sure, if your help me.
Nobody says that linux is totally secure. Nothing is totally secure.
When you install opensuse, the default install will include a firewall and will include AppArmor (which restricts some processes).
The best way to learn is to start by learning what is already there.
My best advice – avoid login as root as far as possible. In particular, do not login to a graphic desktop as root. If you occasionally need to be root for adminstrative purposes, best to do that at the command line. And keep that to a minimum.
The real secret to unix/linux security, is that people normally login only with limited privileges. If Windows users did that, the would have many less problems.
As said, start using it. There is YaST > Security and users > Secirity center and hardening.where you can set several things. But remind, this is always a trade off between security and workability. And thus also very personal in what you need. Swtiching things can produce an unwotkable situation for you where another one has no problems.
A few rules:
Run Yast > Software > Online update regular (I do it once a week) to patch your openSUSE system with scurity and recommended patches (there are other ways to do this e.g. the Applet).
Be carefull with other repos, there are a lot that I would trust as much as the official OSS and non-OSS ones (like Packman), but the more you walk away from the “official” openSUSE release,the more chance you get some problem (need not be a security problem though).
Be as carefull, as everybody should be whatever OS is used, in visiting Internet sites. But yes, malafide web-sites will only be able to do something in Liinux to a user’s data, not to the system.