what's missing in suse live CD?

hey, I’m a suse newb, I tried to install suse from a magainze copy, but it failed to install at all, couldn’t find critical things on the dvd.
so I used the live CD instead from the website.
and I’m starting to suspect many things I really need aren’t in the Live cd, for example I can’t use the make or make install command in the terminal, so is there a list somewhere of stuff missing in the live CD that u really should install?

Some things are not installed by default, e.g. development tools, because they are not required by most end users. Don’t worry about what the difference is between the LiveCD and the DVD. If you have subscribed to the standard repos on opensuse.org, you can install anything that was in the release, whether you installed from the LiveCD or the DVD.

For make and gcc, easiest way is to install the “gcc development tools” (I think) pattern using YaST. Just browse through the software patterns with YaST and you’ll see what’s available.