what to install for mp3/mp4/vob/dat file?

what to install for mp3/mp4/vob/dat file on opensuse 11.1?

Vlc and smplayer from packman repo through software management in YaST.

linux-orc9:~/Desktop # zypper verify
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...
Some of the dependencies of installed packages are broken. In order to fix these dependencies, the following actions need to be taken:

The following NEW packages are going to be installed:
  fribidi libdvdread4 xosd 

Overall download size: 157.0 K. After the operation, additional 381.0 K will be used.
Continue? [YES/no]: yes
Retrieving package xosd-2.2.14-1.121.i586 (1/3), 53.0 K (92.0 K unpacked)
Failed to mount cd:///?devices=/dev/sr0 on /var/adm/mount/AP_0x00000001: No medium found (mount: No medium found on /dev/sr0)

Abort, retry, ignore? [A/r/i]: a
Retrieving package libdvdread4-4.1.3-1.9.i586 (2/3), 48.0 K (122.0 K unpacked)
Failed to mount cd:///?devices=/dev/sr0 on /var/adm/mount/AP_0x00000001: No medium found (mount: No medium found on /dev/sr0)

Abort, retry, ignore? [A/r/i]: a
Retrieving package fribidi-0.10.9-57.10.i586 (3/3), 56.0 K (167.0 K unpacked)
Failed to mount cd:///?devices=/dev/sr0 on /var/adm/mount/AP_0x00000001: No medium found (mount: No medium found on /dev/sr0)

Abort, retry, ignore? [A/r/i]: a
linux-orc9:~/Desktop # 

how to resolve these dependency ??>:)

Follow this
Multi-media and Restricted Format Installation Guide - openSUSE Forums

Looks like your cdrom is also part of repo. Open Yast -> software repos and un check the cdrom repo and try again.

how to do that?could you be a bit specific ?:sarcastic:
do i need to add


to add in open SUSE 11.1?

http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/RedDwarf/ this repo is containing only 11.2…can i add to 11.1??will it make any deficulties ie. conflict of s/w??


only the x86_64 folders repo or it will select by itself??

Open Kicker menu, and search for YaST at the top search text box.
Click on it YaST, enter your root password and then click on software repositories. Now un check the box for “enable” while choosing the cdrom repo from the list above.

ADDING packman is showing:

The following GnuPG key has been found in repository Unknown 

ID: 45A1D0671ABD1AFB
Fingerprint: F887 5B88 0D51 8B6B 8C53 0D13 45A1 D067 1ABD 1AFB
Name: PackMan Project (signing key) <packman@links2linux.de>
Created: 09/21/08
Expires: 09/21/10

You can choose to import it into your keyring of trusted
public keys, meaning that you trust the owner of the key.
You should be sure that you can trust the owner and that
the key really belongs to that owner before im

The owner of the key may distribute updates, packages, and package repositories that your system will trust and offer for installation and update without any further warning. In this way, importing the key into your keyring of trusted keys allows the key owner to have a certain amount of control over the software on your system.
A warning dialog opens for every package that is not signed by a trusted (imported) key. If you do not import the key, packages created by the owner of key 45A1D0671ABD1AFB show this warning.

is there any harm or s/w conflick may occur?

After adding repo, it need to import signature keys.
Just click on import, and you will be ok.

linux-w0sv:~/Desktop #  LC_ALL=C zypper ve
Retrieving repository 'openSUSE-11.1-Non-Oss' metadata [done]
Building repository 'openSUSE-11.1-Non-Oss' cache [done]
Retrieving repository 'openSUSE-11.1-Oss' metadata [done]
Building repository 'openSUSE-11.1-Oss' cache [done]
Retrieving repository 'openSUSE-11.1-Update' metadata [done]
Building repository 'openSUSE-11.1-Update' cache [done]
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...
Dependencies of all installed packages are satisfied.
linux-w0sv:~/Desktop # 

linux-w0sv:~/Desktop #  rpm -qa --queryformat '%{NAME} -> %{VENDOR}
' | grep -i VideoLAN
linux-w0sv:~/Desktop # 

but its not showing packman and vedio lan…and last command is not comming out with any output…

Did you add it from YaST?, and also no need to add Video lan, just add packman, is enough.

linux-w0sv:~/Desktop # zypper lr
# | Alias           | Name                  | Enabled | Refresh
1 | openSUSE 11.1-0 | openSUSE 11.1-0       | Yes     | No     
2 | packman         | packman               | Yes     | Yes    
3 | repo-debug      | openSUSE-11.1-Debug   | No      | Yes    
4 | repo-non-oss    | openSUSE-11.1-Non-Oss | Yes     | Yes    
5 | repo-oss        | openSUSE-11.1-Oss     | Yes     | Yes    
6 | repo-source     | openSUSE-11.1-Source  | No      | Yes    
7 | repo-update     | openSUSE-11.1-Update  | Yes     | Yes    
8 | videolan.org    | videolan.org          | Yes     | Yes    
linux-w0sv:~/Desktop # zypper lp
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...

Warning: These are only the updates affecting the updater itself.
Other updates are available too.

Repository           | Name                | Version | Category    | Status
openSUSE-11.1-Update | softwaremgmt        | 473     | recommended | Needed
openSUSE-11.1-Update | softwaremgmt        | 791     | recommended | Needed
openSUSE-11.1-Update | softwaremgmt-200906 | 948     | recommended | Needed
openSUSE-11.1-Update | softwaremgmt-200910 | 1369    | recommended | Needed
openSUSE-11.1-Update | softwaremgmt-200911 | 1475    | recommended | Needed
openSUSE-11.1-Update | yast2-qt-pkg        | 385     | recommended | Needed
linux-w0sv:~/Desktop # 

now i get it…

Zypper/Usage/11.1 - openSUSE

yes.i added both…man
will it harm any?if yes how to remove that?

can the changing from yest put impact on zypper?


8 | videolan.org | videolan.org | No | No

Like that !

Then unconditional update in Packman

can i use apt with it?
can i add dag/rpm probe etc repo with it?

I would advise to remove/disable video lan. No, it will not harm any thing. zypper is the backend, where you do stuffs in terminal. YaST is front end, where you do stuffs using GUI.
Disable video lan and install VLC, SMplayer from packman repo.
You can do all this from YaST -> software repositories.
You can also install softwares from YaST -> software management.

Easy stuff. Now its up to you, which one you like zypper or YaST.

asking for quriocity why i need to do so?and how to do it by zypper ?

No apt in openSUSE. You can use zypper instead of apt.

Because of conflicts IMO.

Read this guide for zypper: