There have been a few time I can’t shut down my computer. This means that when I hit Shutdown button, my computer does nothing. I can log off but can’t shutdown or restart. If I want to shut it down, I have to hit my power button to turn off my computer which is not a proper way! This doesn’t occur all the time but sometimes.
Please give me some advice of what I should do in this case: reading log, tracing, turning off process, etc…
Well you can put your SuSE dvd and do a automatic repair. May be that will solve your problem. Sometime back I was also facing that issue and after an automatic repair it was fine. Give it a try
It simply doesn’t shutdown, but I can do anything I want such as opening firefox, terminal, playing music,etc… Anyways, I’ll try the command su -c “halt” next time. But what does this command mean?
Halt triggers the system shutdown from the command line - it’s more or less the same as shutdown on Windows from the command prompt (you may also use shutdown on Linux)
su -c is used to run a command as the root (the superuser). su is the actual command and -c defines that you wish to run a single command and nothing more.
If you wish to know more about the commands, open a terminal and type man halt or man su
tisungho wrote:
> There have been a few time I can’t shut down my computer. This means
> that when I hit Shutdown button, my computer does nothing. I can log off
> but can’t shutdown or restart. If I want to shut it down, I have to hit
> my power button to turn off my computer which is not a proper way! This
> doesn’t occur all the time but sometimes.
> Please give me some advice of what I should do in this case: reading
> log, tracing, turning off process, etc…
Please run “grep -i acpi /var/log/boot.msg”.
If it sais something to the effect “BIOS date (1999) fails cutoff date
(2000), ACPI disabled”, force ACPI by adding “acpi=force” to the kernel
line of your default entry in /boot/grub/menu.lst . This will be
effektive after your next reboot.
This happens to me as well on 11.0. The system doesn’t freeze or anything, it just doesn’t shut down or restart. I have found an easy way around this is to log off and then choose shutdown from the login screen.
Why shutdown/restart works from there and not the desktop I don’t know. It didn’t always do this, but I don’t remember when it started. I am guessing after an update, but not sure when or which update.
I will have to try the halt command to see if that works from the desktop. :\