What to do when computer doesn't shut down

There have been a few time I can’t shut down my computer. This means that when I hit Shutdown button, my computer does nothing. I can log off but can’t shutdown or restart. If I want to shut it down, I have to hit my power button to turn off my computer which is not a proper way! This doesn’t occur all the time but sometimes.
Please give me some advice of what I should do in this case: reading log, tracing, turning off process, etc…


Well you can put your SuSE dvd and do a automatic repair. May be that will solve your problem. Sometime back I was also facing that issue and after an automatic repair it was fine. Give it a try :slight_smile:

Not enough information.

You mean the computer LITERALLY does nothing, as in is frozen or simply won’t shutdown?

The next time this occurs, open a terminal and run su -c “halt” - this should shut the system down - if not, print out any error messages or similar.


It simply doesn’t shutdown, but I can do anything I want such as opening firefox, terminal, playing music,etc… Anyways, I’ll try the command su -c “halt” next time. But what does this command mean?

Halt triggers the system shutdown from the command line - it’s more or less the same as shutdown on Windows from the command prompt (you may also use shutdown on Linux)

su -c is used to run a command as the root (the superuser). su is the actual command and -c defines that you wish to run a single command and nothing more.

If you wish to know more about the commands, open a terminal and type man halt or man su

I hear you!
One more question: why did you have double quotes for halt in the above command?

tisungho wrote:
> There have been a few time I can’t shut down my computer. This means
> that when I hit Shutdown button, my computer does nothing. I can log off
> but can’t shutdown or restart. If I want to shut it down, I have to hit
> my power button to turn off my computer which is not a proper way! This
> doesn’t occur all the time but sometimes.
> Please give me some advice of what I should do in this case: reading
> log, tracing, turning off process, etc…

Please run “grep -i acpi /var/log/boot.msg”.
If it sais something to the effect “BIOS date (1999) fails cutoff date
(2000), ACPI disabled”, force ACPI by adding “acpi=force” to the kernel
line of your default entry in /boot/grub/menu.lst . This will be
effektive after your next reboot.

Kind regards,
Andreas Stieger

This happens to me as well on 11.0. The system doesn’t freeze or anything, it just doesn’t shut down or restart. I have found an easy way around this is to log off and then choose shutdown from the login screen.

Why shutdown/restart works from there and not the desktop I don’t know. It didn’t always do this, but I don’t remember when it started. I am guessing after an update, but not sure when or which update.

I will have to try the halt command to see if that works from the desktop. :\

Try the solution from the post baove yours it will surely work.:slight_smile:

Also look at your settings in yast2>Sec and users>local security.