Hi I need help since I change repo everything going nuts,the last thing is I cant login in suse it s freeze on me why?
Should I take my suse disk and update/downgrade :.
I really need help please and I just using my wife laptop.:’(
Are you logging in automatically or do you have it set to type in your password.
Explain where you get to and when it freezes.
eg: It freezes after I enter my password!
Ok I restart my computer soft restart I dont shut down my computer freeze 1/6 of start up. Then I have to shut down my computer and start up my computer again it works till at the login screen and I try to type my password it freeze right there I cant type nothing.
Should I downgrade it?
At the grub boot screen, first try a failsafe boot. If that fails, reboot, at the grub boot selection just select the default but you may have to move down and then back up to it to pause the timer.
Now press backspace until all the kernel boot options have been deleted out. Now just type the number: 3
Hit enter
At the CLI login with your user name and password
Then type: su
and enter root password.
Now type:
zypper ref
zypper up
see if this helps. If not go through the same boot up to login to level 3. and su.
From here you can start yast with: yast
(just a basic keyboard managed form)
you could post
zypper lr
Maybe you messed up in there?
Check in software management - filter by repo and look in the kde42 repos, see if there are red or blue packages?
If yes do update all unconditionally.
Now Im in suse it works ok but I dont now and I will try out what your saying.
First I have to close down my wife computer, be back later.
See what happening and I will let you know A.S.A.P;).
Before it getting worse all my icons everything change to ? mark yes ? anyway see yeah.
your saying about
Check in software management - filter by repo and look in the kde42 repos, see if there are red or blue packages?
If yes do update all unconditional
In KDE42 is only KDE Photo Manager in Blue and it tells me:
deinstallation of digikamimageplugins-0.9.4-51.16x86_64
do not install digikam-0.10.0-3.1.x86_64
It starting freeze when I starting back up my bookmarks in my email to other email so it is safe when ? freeze for good but it looks now it is work fine.
Hey thank`s again may my computer run to hot it could freeze to is it ?
The digikam issue is possibly related to you maybe have the old kde4-digikam installed.
It has been replaced by just plain digikam
If you have kde4-digikam, delete it and it’s old plugins relative and install digikam. But this wouldn’t be causing a problem.
otherwise this freezing issue, it’s hard to tell,
.xsession-errors in your hidden /home may have info
or run
in a terminal and see if anything is hogging the system.
try creating a new user account, see if the same issues arise there. Though I feel this may not be the issue as you had it freezing before you logged in.
Back to the issue you have. Did you try creating a new user (it can easily be deleted later).
Login to it and see if you have the same issue. If you do we know it not likely going to be a local settings issue/error.
The good news is my Suse is not freezing right now,what I have to do let running for few hrs. and see if it freezes again.If it freezes again it may temperature heating up or cooling town.