what reposiories I need to install Qt5.2.1

I want to install Qt5.2.1 in openSUSE13.1(32bit) but I have qt-opensource-linux-x86-5.2.1.run but when I try to install I have an error and It tell me that I don’t have the repositories that it need.

I have added:

Qt 5.2.x ReleasesFor developers only Latest stable Qt 5.2 release (currently 5.2.1)
Version: 13.1http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/KDE:/Qt52/openSUSE_13.1/


On 2014-09-09 12:36, aria2 wrote:
> Hello,
> I want to install Qt5.2.1 in openSUSE13.1(32bit) but I have
> ‘qt-opensource-linux-x86-5.2.1.run’ (http://tinyurl.com/lnn8uan) but
> when I try to install I have an error and It tell me that I don’t have
> the repositories that it need.

Huh… why don’t just /install/ it from the KDE:QT52 repo? The openSUSE way?

If you try to install a .run file, it means you are a developer or
something and do not need openSUSE packaging…

Otherwise, try explaining again :slight_smile:

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 13.1 x86_64 “Bottle” at Telcontar)

That should be ok for QT 5.2.
But if you added the repo, there’s no need to install that qt-opensource-linux-x86-5.2.1.run package that you downloaded any more.
Just install the corresponding packages from that repo, in YaST->Software Repositories or with zypper. They are qt-opensource-linux.

There are other repos for the latest/current QT 5.3 as well though, which you might want to prefer.

What are you trying to achieve exactly?

I want to use qt and marble libraries with Qt Creator. Qt5.3 or Qt5.2 is the same to me.
I’m new in linux, I don’t know the correct way to install qt5.2.1 and Qt Creator.
I don’t know if I have to install with yast and the package required to install it
or with the download .run
or download of .tar.gz and I will have to do ./configure and make.

Thanks and sorry for my bad English

Well, as you added the repo already, just install libqt5-creator, either with YaST, or zypper:

sudo zypper in libqt5-creator

That should pull in everything you need.

And then you should be able to run it from the menu or command line.
If you still have questions then, feel free to ask of course, especially about marble… :wink:

Finally I added this repository:

Qt 5 release
Latest stable Qt5 release (currently 5.3.1)
Version: 13.1http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/KDE:/Qt5/openSUSE_13.1/

And I installed with yast libqt5-creator, now what package required I need to use marble such as library?

I have to install with yast or zypper or how marble webside tells me, donwload sources code and:

mkdir -p ~/marble/build
cd ~/marble/build
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DQTONLY=FALSE -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local ~/marble/sources
sudo make install

thanks a lot, I had tried a lot of differents ways…

You mean marble, the KDE map viewer/desktop globe application?
You probably need marble-devel to use it as library.

But please note that this is still Qt4-based, so I don’t think you can use it in combination with Qt5.
(and the installation of Qt5 was definitely unnecessary for that).

On 2014-09-10 10:46, aria2 wrote:

> And I installed with yast libqt5-creator, now what package required I
> need to use marble such as library?
> I have to install with yast or zypper or how marble webside tells me,
> donwload sources code and:
> mkdir -p ~/marble/build
> cd ~/marble/build

Why do you want to build marble? It is part of the official openSUSE


Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 13.1 x86_64 “Bottle” at Telcontar)

somebody tells me that this combination was right but… the problem is that I have done a application with Qt5.2.1 and I want to complete with a map with marble.
I try this but I’m not sure… finally I will have to install Qt4.8…


Well, maybe you can use it inside a Qt5 application, I don’t know.
I never used marble myself (as a library; I did use the application… :wink: ).
So I cannot really help you there myself.

But as I said, marble itself still uses Qt4.8, not Qt5.x.

PS, I suppose you want to use the designer plugin like described here?

You don’t even have to install marble-devel for that, the plugin is included in the standard marble package.
And it shows up fine in Qt4’s qtcreator here as described.

But as the plugin is installed to /usr/lib64/kde4/plugins/designer/, I don’t think it will work with Qt5’s qtcreator/designer.
You might try to set $QT_PLUGIN_PATH accordingly if necessary, i.e. add /usr/lib64/kde4/plugins/designer/ if it’s not there already, but I’m not really sure it would work.

The Qt4 qtcreator is in the package qt-creator btw.

I had a look in Qt’s designer now, and indeed you cannot use/see the KDE4 marble widgets in the Qt5 version.

Apparently it is possible to build Marble against Qt5, but you would have to download the source code and compile it yourself.
I might try to build a package in the next days…

Or wait until marble has been ported to KF5, I’m sure a package will be available then in the KDE repos which you could use for Qt5 applications.

Sorry for the delay!

I’m not sure whether this is still of interest for you, but I do build marble5 (i.e. the KF5 port of marble) now in my repo (for quite some time already actually), including the designer plugin:
(marble5 is also available in KDE:Unstable:Extra, but there the designer plugin is missing)

I also have a pure Qt5 build (without any requirements to KDE Frameworks):
This is an all-in-one build btw, it contains the application, libraries, and all devel stuff (including the designer plugin).

Install one of those two, and you should have the marble widget in Qt5’s designer and libqt5-qtcreator.