I downloaded and installed kernel-source- (output of uname -a gives ‘Linux deadbox #1 SMP 2008-06-07 01:55:22 +0200 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux’) because the driver page says I need it. How do I know if “gcc version should match the one used to compile the kernel”?
But when I try to ‘make’ the driver I get ‘make: command not found’.
I have no internet access from openSUSE at the moment, so I’m downloading the packages I need from a Windows box and transferring them via a USB stick.
What package/s do I need for make to work and are there any dependencies I need to get?
You’ll need make, and the C development packages. They are not on the Live CD. You have a chicken and egg problem. If you have a DVD drive and the DVD distro, you could add that as a “repo”.
Alternatively if you have a wired Ethernet port you can set that up and use it to set up the OSS repo and get the needed packages.
I don’t have the ability to get the DVD version so I’m stuck with having to download via Windows and copy over Can I download the packages you mention from the web? If so, what do I need exactly?
Ah, this could be tricky because OpenSUSE users seldom install packages manually these days, they configure one or more repos and let the package manager figure out the dependencies. Getting a bunch of packages can be frustrating and error-prone, working out the necessary set.
Can you set up internet sharing via Windows through a wired Ethernet connection? Even just a web proxy will do the trick. Then you can fetch exactly what you need from the repo.
It’s possible that I could swap my box with the one that’s directly connected to our router, but I’m not sure how that would affect our network and would involve unwiring and moving two sets of hardware around If that’s my only option I guess I don’t have much choice… I can actually download the DVD image and burn it to disc on another machine, but this machine won’t read burned DVDs for some reason… Seems I’m stuck on all fronts!
Is your DVD drive of a certain age? It might be able to read DVD-R but not DVD+R if it was manufactured between certain dates. Another possibility is to get a pressed version from a duplicator or Linux magazine. Yet another possibility is to set up filesharing on Windows and copy the ISO image to OpenSUSE via the network, but it sounds like you are not able to connect all your computers to a LAN.
Firstly let me say I’m very new to Linux, networking, etc, etc, so I’m taking on a lot of new stuff at once here. This whole thing is a learning experience for me and I’m desperately trying to set up an environment in which to learn more and be able to scrap Windows. Just a bit of background so you have a better idea of where I’m coming from.
The machine I’m trying to set OpenSUSE up on is currently dual-booting with Windows XP Home. I have internet access from Windows XP, so would it be possible to download the DVD .iso and have access to it from OpenSUSE that way? Can I use the .iso without having to burn it to DVD?
Maybe there is an easier solution that it’s worth to try…
I just did a search for “at76_usb” on Software.openSUSE.org and it seems that the module is available in the openSUSE:11.0/standard repo - that means that it suppose to be on the DVD and maybe it is not on the live CD.
Do a search in your yast software package manager for at76_usb - maybe it is not installed but you have it on the live cd. If it is not download the rpm suitable for your kernel type “default” or “pae” and try to install it.
Good luck.
There was a guy around that was making ISO images for people with no internet connection with updates and media related packages (not sure if the dev packages were in or not) on the older forums but I did not see posts on this one.
Ok, I get it, dual boot. Yes you can serve the ISO image to Linux. After downloading (don’t use IE, it has download file size limitations, use a download manager), leave it on the Windows filesystem. On OpenSUSE mount the Windows partition (you’ll need to look at an OpenSUSE tute for this, search for it at the website) using the ntfs-3g driver, or even the old ntfs driver, since you only need read permission. Then copy it over to Linux and mount the DVD ISO image as a “repo”.
I’m not sure, but you even may be able to do the NTFS mounting with YaST, I haven’t had to do this for a while. Post a new thread about mounting NTFS from OpenSUSE and swerdna will be able to set you on the right path.
USB stick is another way to transfer, if you have a large enough stick, copy the ISO onto the stick in Windows and get it off the stick in Linux. You need a 8GB stick though.
I installed the driver .rpm and now when I click the little planet icon in my system tray I get a wlan0 connection show up which it didn’t before (although the planet icon is still grey).
In the list of networks, our network name shows up with a little progress bar type indicator next to it. When I click our network name, the planet icon turns to a spinning cog for a few seconds, then turns back to a grey planet.
In YaST -> Network Devices -> Network Settings, my WUSB11 V2.6 802.11b Adapter now shows the IP as DHCP, whereas before it was ‘Not configured’. Below, it says ‘Not connected’ and lists a MAC address I’m not familiar with (I have 3 written down for our network and it isn’t any of these).
Also, an ‘unknown network device’ appears in the list which wasn’t there before (and isn’t configured)… So, I have three network devices in the list: 1) WUSB… 2) Unknown and 3) Ethernet Network Card.
How do I join our network now, assuming I’ve goofed on a setting somewhere (i.e., can you walk me through what I need to do from the start).
I don’t think I need to compile the driver for access point any more as I’ve downloaded a pre-compiled .rpm from one of the repos (assuming it’s the right thing I’ve got).
My trouble now seems to be getting connected to my network… See a couple of posts back.
It seems the driver was installed and working… Maybe this topic will / should move to Network-Internet/Wireless since the main issue was networking and seems getting dev packages is not an issue any more but this is for admins / moderators to decide.
Now, since you are totally new to linux, the first rule of thumb is “read about your new operating system” and try not to get “spoon-fed”. There is a lot of documentation out there: Welcome to openSUSE.org - openSUSE and also installed on the system (not sure if it is on the live cd though)
I suggest you start with the Concepts available here: Concepts - openSUSE - info on the networking is available there to get the general idea, also this will help you with software managing and other useful things.
That will help you communicate better in asking the right questions and avoid things like “little planet icon in my system tray”… which I guess is the NetworkManager icon (I am not sure because I use the if-up method instead)
In Yast Network settings ,make sure Global Options is set to controlled with network manager - Uncheck the enable IPv6 - Hoste name to send is:auto and Check default route by DHCP.
Now go to overview and make sure your WUSB is highlighted - click edit
General Tab - select at boot time - External firewall zone - Check kinternet - My MTU is blank
Address tab - Dynamic DHCP
Now click Next
Here Operating mode = Managed
Network Name= the name ESSID in your router
Authentication: I use WPA-PSK (but use the same as your router)
Passphrase/Key= as set in router
In knetworkmanager in the panel
right click: Does your WUSB show in there as an existing connection?
If Yes - select edit connections
Check the ESSID - next
Enter security - next
Nothing to do at manual leave blank - next
Give your connection a name anything will do wg: WUSB - connect and save
@ghostintheruins: I completely understand where you’re coming from and agree 100%. However… I’ve been fighting the installation of Linux for several days now and need to get my machine up and running. I’ve already taken a lot in and am learning all the time. Once I have internet access I’ll be much more self-sufficient
@caf4926: Followed your instructions to the letter and here’s what happens:
After plugging all those settings into YaST, I get ‘Saving Network Configuration’ which successfully checks off everything on the list until it gets to ‘Activate network services’. At this point, I get 3 ‘cannot access installation media’ messages (presumably one for each repo). I click ‘skip’ on each of these and then the knetworkmanager icon disappears and that’s that.
In YaST Network Settings I have:
WUSB11 V2.6 802.11b Adapter (Not connected)
Device name: wlan0
Started automatically at boot
IP address assigned using DHCP
When I right-click knetworkmanager, I get wlan0, then eth0, then No carriers, and then the menu to edit connections etc.
In the Network Card Setup for WUSB, on the hardware tab I have 2 options for Kernel module: at76c503-rfmd and at76_usb. It’s currently set to the usb option.