what OpenSUSE should I Instal on my old PC?

Hello I have a PC with Intel Core2Duo, 512MB RAM, Graphic Chip in motherboard and i’d like to know what desktop environment I should Install (KDE, Gnome, XFCE…) besides, should I install 64 bit or 32 bit edition? I’m new to Linux.

On 2012-03-14 00:26, herudae wrote:
> Hello I have a PC with Intel Core2Duo, 512MB RAM, Graphic Chip in
> motherboard and i’d like to know what desktop environment I should
> Install (KDE, Gnome, XFCE…) besides, should I install 64 bit or 32 bit
> edition? I’m new to Linux.

xfce and 32 bit.
And buy more memory if you can, Linux LOVES memory.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 11.4 x86_64 “Celadon” at Telcontar)

Definitely 32bit, LXDE or icewm use significantly less RAM than Xfce. Intel Core2Duo is not that old. I install openSUSE on much older machines. If you double the RAM, you can run any desktop… and 2 GB would be even better - RAM is dirty cheap at the moment.

Thanks, I downloaded OpenSUSE XFCE and followed the instructions to make a Live USB Stick, but it doesn’t work, when I choose to enter OpenSUSE it enters in TWM, a blank blue screen, when I right-clic the mouese it shows a menu with some options but none of them seems to make anything except exit which takes me to “login screen”, there I write linux as user with no password as says in Live CD info, then it shows me a popup:

“**Unable to contact Settings Server **
/bin/dbus-launch terminated abnormally without any error message”

I clic “Close”, then pops up:

could not look up internet address for linux.
This will prevent xfce from operating correctly.
it may be possible to correct the problem by adding
linux to the file /etc/hosts on your System.

“Continue anyway”:

Unable to load a failsafe session
Unable to determine failsafe session name. Posible causes:
xfconfd isn’t running (D-Bus setup problem); environment
variable $XGD_CONFIG_DIRS is set incorrectly (Must include
“/etc”), or xfce-session is installed incorrectly."

“Quit”, it takes me to login screen again.

What could I do? Should I open a new Thread with this?

Did you:

  • perform a media check on the downloaded ISO? When booting from the LiveCD it should be in the boot menu
  • check whether the graphics card is capable of the resolution the LiveCD preselected?