Upgraded from 12.2 to 12.3 using zypper dup. Don’t know what happened but
the .kde4/share/apps/nepomuk directory on my home partition grew to over 10
GB filling up the partition and causing kmail to fail. Deleting files on
/home did absolutely no good as the nepomuk directory would fill up again
almost immediately.
Decided to delete this directory and nepomuk itself. This looked to be a
complete disaster as deleting nepomuk deleted much of KDE. Fortunately the
system still booted and I was able to call up yast and recover the deleted
programs. Everything now seems to be in order without my having to recover
the root partition I’d created with dd before the update or having to do a
complete reinstall of 12.3.
If anyone has any ideas as to what caused this weird behaviour I’d love to
hear them in order to avoid the problem in a future upgrade.
On 03/21/2013 01:25 AM, aemau wrote:
> Upgraded from 12.2 to 12.3 using zypper dup. . .
> If anyone has any ideas as to what caused this weird behaviour I’d love to
> hear them in order to avoid the problem in a future upgrade.
i’d guess the cause of the problem is found in how you upgraded…
there are three tested, recommend, and supported step-by-step (don’t
skip any!) ways to move from 12.2 to 12.3–though none of them are
guaranteed to work on all systems all of the time, they have a pretty
good chance of not spawning all kinds of little problems (like the
one you report) but none are perfect nor claim to be:
I see to recall seeing an update for nepomuk come through a day or two ago. Maybe that’s what fixed it for you.
Personally, one of the first things I do on configuring my KDE session, is disable nepomuk. But then I’m not using any other software that depends on it.