What is the difference between perl and perl-devel?

Hi, I’m new in perl programming and linux OS. What is the difference between perl and perl-devel? What does mean devel? Iwant to install Catalyst and before install as required I have to check if make, gcc and perl-devel are installed in my system. make and gcc are installed. But I have to install perl-devel. First I searched for make, gcc and perl-devel in YAST Software Management and search did not find perl-devel. I visited the software.opensuse.org and wrote “perl-devel” and searched. The result was many similar zips with a prefix perl-devel and I can not choose one for needed perl-devel. Please, help me to make a choise which one is true for “perl-devel”…

List of search results:














I’m using openSUSE 11.1; Perl 5.10.1; Apache2

programmerperl wrote:
> Hi, I’m new in perl programming and linux OS.

this is friendly advice, even if it doesn’t sound dipping with sugar :slight_smile:

as far as i can see this is your THIRD post with the same question, so
i have a couple of things for you:

  1. do not post multiple times to multiple forums.opensuse.org …it is
    against our rules and anyway will not help you get a faster answer…

  2. this is an openSUSE forum, not a Catalyst forum…therefore, not so
    many Catalyst experienced users may come in here every hour…have a
    little patience or

  3. go and look for your answer other places whilewaiting* on an
    answer here (which may never come from anyone in openSUSE because
    maybe no one here every used Catalyst…who here could know what the
    writers of Catalyst doc mean when they tell you to install perl-devel,
    that is we don’t have that, by that name)…

so LOOK in the Catalyst wiki and see if you can figure out what the
heck they are talking about! start here:

and, if you can’t find your answer yourself then ASK in the Catalyst
forum, with patience…because THERE you might find a Catalyst expert
who happens to use openSUSE (sitting here waiting on an openSUSE
expert who happens to use Catalyst could put in for a L O N G wait,

DenverD (Linux Counter 282315)
CAVEAT: http://is.gd/bpoMD
posted via NNTP w/TBird | KDE 3.5.7 | openSUSE 10.3 SMP i686
AMD Athlon 1 GB RAM | GeForce FX 5500 | ASRock K8Upgrade-760GX |
CMedia 9761 AC’97 Audio

I made a mistake, I apologize about bad using the forum, I’m going to delete other similar post and I will remain one in Programming/Scripting… if you can do this, please, it will be nice, I do not know how to delete posts… Next time I will be more patience…

programmerperl wrote:
> I made a mistake, I apologize about bad using the forum,

apology for mistake is not required…i was trying to help you for
next time…

i’m happy you are getting the help you need, and in the correct forum…

that is all that matters!!

DenverD (Linux Counter 282315)
CAVEAT: http://is.gd/bpoMD
posted via NNTP w/TBird | KDE 3.5.7 | openSUSE 10.3 SMP i686
AMD Athlon 1 GB RAM | GeForce FX 5500 | ASRock K8Upgrade-760GX |
CMedia 9761 AC’97 Audio

I clicked on Computer>Install Software (=YaST>Software Manager) and searched for “perl devel”. The description of the first package was

The Apache/Perl integration project brings together the full power of the Perl programming language and the Apache HTTP server. This package contains the include files useful for developing new software depending on apache2-mod_perl.” [Last sentence highlighted by me]

I guess that a package only with “perl” in the name (for example: “apache2-mod_perl”) will often be used also for development or modification of a normal program (like programs or modifications of apache) but a package with “perl” and “devel” in the name (for example: “apache2-mod_perl-devel”) will be designed for developing just that first perl package (for example: for developing the package “apache2-mod_perl”).

But I am far away from just thinking about
me programming something -
so maybe someone nice wants to tell you more about devel packages…

By the way - I think a short wiki article about “devel” or “development package” in general would be fine.

May be I searched at the wrong places or with the wrong words but I could not find a definition of “devel”, “development package”:

Search results for “devel” - openSUSE
Search results for “Development package” - openSUSE


I am trying to clear up this mess a little bit and removed two posts which had no answer (and thus the complete threads are gone). But there are still a few more and they got answers allready. Who will understand in half a year what was the question and what was the real answer (retorical question of an overheated mod)?