What is the correct way to logout/log in when I can't use SDDM/xdm/kdm

I am trying to setup Suse-Prime-alt on my Optimus laptop. I have followed:
I did a net install; (no update) and Zypper dup; used X11-video-nvidia- 375.20-42.2 rpm from
“prime-select nvidia” seems to work but I can’t log out as SDDM does not work as others have noted

I have tried changing the display managers in Yast – installed them and tried them all
They don’t seem to want to work after I do “prime-select nvidia”
xdm drops me to a username prompt – which is not logged out imho
The computer hangs on reboot too if I try a terminal reboot recovery

What is the school solution for logging out and back in without using the display manager?
(Note: a reboot won’t do it as the system will bring up the Intel video.)

PS, when I put SDDM back as the display manager and with the Intel video, it all works well again.

Have a look at “loginctl”, a cli program with options like “kill-user” or “terminate-user”.


Will explore “loginctl”; Thanks Hendrik!

I had one success instance with “init 3 && init 5” with “xdm” but other than the login screen, I could tell no difference from SDDM. I had trouble rebooting too.

However, I went on to screw it up so bad that I will have to re-install: Did a zypper dup & removed the bumblebee & suse-prime-alt rpms to change them and could not get the intel video back.
Tumbleweed is up to 20161210, so I don’t mind starting fresh as this intell i7-6700 cpu installs it PDQ (pretty darn quick)!