What is root password

Hello Forum,

I am a new member, I have one problem, I did create test VM almost 5 times, but during whole of the process, it is successful, but never asked me for password, when I click on test drive, it do ask me for root password, what is that password?

Just to add, I did tried my susestudio login password if that may be the password, but failed.

Can someone help.

Thanks in advance for all your help & guidance.

Kind regards

We had to move this thread

If you did not specify a separate password the user password will be the same as the root password. The root password is the administrative password of the machine. The implementation of using the same password for root and user is IMHO confusing and a security error. So if you install again the VM (should you have no success in giving yast the root password for the updates) already use a defined, complicated root password (because this will make the machine safer if you will do one day a real install). Just to take good habits. And don’t forget: NEVER log into KDE or GNOME or any graphical desktop as root! I may destroy your system. For now, user and root password will probably be identical. Cheers.

Sorry admins, my apologies, please advise which forum? I have sorted the problem, if I have to close it, how shall I close this thread.

stakanov, I solved the problem thanks for your help.


You are welcome. Forum: the OpensSuse forum is right, it is just htat you should have posted in the subforum “Install/Boot/Login”.

Thread closure: Generally this is point of “unsolved discussion” on how best to close a thread. My advice: just post a last message with [SOLVED] in front of the subject line, and if you want to make dead sure you may “Tag” it with “root password, solved”. But do not worry, up to now there is no such thing as a “official closure policy” as far as I know, mainly for technical reasons. Enjoy opensuse. :slight_smile:
BTW, you can download for free (hurray, for one time something free) a beautiful collection of PDF books explaining you everything of openSUSE in detail.
For version 11.1 this his here: http://www.novell.com/documentation/opensuse111/
For 11.2 it is here: http://www.novell.com/documentation/opensuse112/

The books are easy to read, well structured and go from first steps to tough stuff, so you can get out much more of it.