I have an HP Designjet z3200ps but I cannot find a linux driver for it. What should I do now ?
And I’m also wondering if the linux driver for etc device is not developed, what should the Linux gurus do ?
Thank you
I have an HP Designjet z3200ps but I cannot find a linux driver for it. What should I do now ?
And I’m also wondering if the linux driver for etc device is not developed, what should the Linux gurus do ?
Thank you
Hi, use YaST => Software Management and search for HPLIP. This is all you need to support HP printers and scanners.
There is an hplip website http://hplipopensource.com/hplip-web/index.html where you can read more and download hplip, but installing the hplip package is far, far easier via YaST.
You may need to go for something generic with your printer. I have an HP C4280 but it is referred to as an “hpphotosmart 4200 series” printer.
The hplip site is down right now, but if I read that correct, the ‘ps’ on the end of Z3200ps indicates a post script printer.
In which case, you can be practically guaranteed that this printer will work with a generic post script printer driver.
Thank you for your quick respond.
I do rpm -qa hplip and I got this, which mean HPlip is installed on my system.
rpm -qa hplip
so I went in YAST to run HP-Setup to select the driver for my device then I got this error, I think it’s because my system is a file server and my superior didn’t turn the graphic option on.
My question now is how can I install the Generic Post SCript driver for it ? Since I can’t seem to find it anywhere on the server.
Error │
│ Cannot run hp-setup because no graphical display can be opened. │
│ This happens in particular when YaST runs in text-only mode, │
│ or when the user who runs YaST has no DISPLAY environment variable set, │
│ or when the YaST process is not allowed to access the graphical display. │
│ In this case you should run hp-setup manually directly as user ‘root’.
I can’t help you with what your ‘superior’ has or has not done.
But the driver is clearly : Postscript Generic postscript printer [Postscript.ppd.gz]
I’m thinking your problem is not finding a printer driver, but perhaps instead it is not knowing how to setup a network printer? Because that ‘superior’ note completely lost me.
Thank you Moderator, but I successfully added alot of printers to the servers before. By the way, I found the Generic Post Script Print Driver and installed it. Now I have to walk over there to make sure the test page came out.
I’ll you you know.
Thank you.
P.s Superior is my big big boss, he’s Linux genius but I’m just afraid to ask him.
It worked. I used the Generic Postscipt driver for it. I don’t know if the Generic post script will provide all features as the regular driver does.
Glad to read you had success. You might find this read of interest to understand better why it was easy for me to recommend the post script pritner driver: Concepts printing - openSUSE
or instead the original version: Concepts - openSUSE - original article by oldcpu
I don’t know what the ‘regular’ driver is?? Can you explain ? Do you mean a driver that uses the HP PCL language?
You definitely need to download the driver from HP’s site. It comes as an .run file, run that, when finished first remove all printer entries in Yast. Then, when logged in on a desktop, open a terminal window, and do:
kdesu hp-setup
On Gnome:
gnomesu hp-setup
On 2010-12-20 19:36, prayingtosky wrote:
> so I went in YAST to run HP-Setup to select the driver for my device
> then I got this error, I think it’s because my system is a file server
> and my superior didn’t turn the graphic option on.
You have alternatives.
You can do it from another machine that does have an X system. You start an
“ssh -Y root@server.yourdomain” session, then fire up yast2, it should come
in graphical mode in your local computer - unless your boss created a
really minimal text install.
Then, for configuring printers, you do not need yast, you can use firefox
Just point firefox to the server, port 631 (https, preferably). You might
have to open first remote cups administration, by default it only allows
localhost if I remember correctly. It is actually better than yast.
By the regular driver he means a printer definition that matches exactly
the model he has. A generic postscript driver works, of course, but things
like paper sizes and margins, density of colour, resolution used, internal
fonts… may not be correct till you use the exact definition.
Cheers / Saludos,
Carlos E. R.
(from 11.2 x86_64 “Emerald” at Telcontar)