Just ideas I thought I’d voice. You can take them or leave them as you like.
I usually use the Plasma desktop but some of these ideas would apply to others.
I’d really like to have drag and drop in the menu.
It would be cool if all the widgets on the desktop and the panel were locked or unlocked at the same time. You could also lock or unlock them individually independently of all the others.
I see that at least some widgets can be resized and reshaped from any point on the edge(s) but not all of them. If you can’t sometimes its difficult to get them placed and arranged where you want them.
In Dolphin it would be nice if hard drives were displayed as hard drives and partitions as partitions and the partitions could be displayed under the hard drives they were on.
Also when you selected a place that the hard drive and partition it was on would open and expand and highlight that place in the same left pane without being on another tab or splitting the pane. Then you could navigate from there.
It would be nice to be able to open the file manager navigate to an audio cd, click a track and have it play without copying to the hard drive first.
By the same token right click the cd and select play. Boom.
Just some ideas that I think would change it from being cumbersome to awesome.
They always told me I couldn’t use Linux like windows but I did it anyway.
I did not post this in soapbox because it is not meant to be a rant.
Most of these ideas should probably be voiced upstream…
It would be nice to be able to open the file manager navigate to an audio cd, click a track and have it play without copying to the hard drive first.
By the same token right click the cd and select play. Boom.
Does the Dolphin ‘auidiocd:/’ KIO slave not work for you? Doesn’t the notifier also offer to play the media? Sorry, a long time since I ever had a CD available to play.
Please be aware that, with Linux and, especially RPM, each application package has an indication as to where it is to be located in the “Applications Groups” – in this world, the name of the application is totally uninteresting – the only thing which matters is: “what is the purpose of the application” – in other words: “What to YOU want to do today.” …
They arealllocked or unlocked at the same time. I have absolutely no idea if the KDE developers have your 2nd wish already on their list of “things to be done” …
They can only be resized or repositioned if the Desktop is unlocked … And, yes, there is a hidden grid on the Desktop for the positioning of Desktop items … Whether or not, the grid can be resized or turned off is an item you could add to the “list of things to be done” used by the KDE developers …
Within the UNIX®, macOS and Linux world, Disks are only interesting from a system point of view – the users, in practise, never, ever, have a view of the disk hardware – because of the inherent Multi-User architecture of these systems – they are not, from a system architecture view, “Personal Computers” …
Users only ever see a directory tree beginning at the very top with the directory “/”.
Yes, with the KDE Plasma desktop, there is a Widget which automagically notices when the user inserts a USB device into one of the system’s USB ports or, loads an optical disk into a drive or, a floppy disk into a drive or, a tape into a drive but, there’s only the option to allow the user to access the directory structure of the medium loaded …
I see what you mean – Dolphin only allows inspection of the CDA, FLAC, MP3 OGG and WAV files of the “complete CD” – you can inspect the individual tracks with K3B but, that’s it, neither Amarok nor Dragon Player nor Firefox currently want to play Audio CDs …
KDE Bug Report needed …
Well, yes and, no …
At a user GUI level, there are some similarities but, only in the same way that macOS has some similarities with Windows …
KDE has “Window activation on mouse pointer contact
” which is quite nice, for some people … - Linux groups applications by “what do I want to do
” instead of the application’s name …
Not quite the same thing, but if you want a basic CD player then take a look at “KsCD”, it’s in the standard oss repositories. No copying to HD just insert a disk in the player and play…
Sorry…by drag and drop I meant within the menu instead of needing to open the menu editor and by all the widgets I meant both the desktop and the panel. The panel requires an extra step to be able to move items around.
The last statement about Windows was sort of a joke. I’ve pretty much just pointed and clicked my way around since early 2006 when I started using Linux without using the cli too much.
Need to search through KDE Developer’s “Usability changes Report” – I have vague recollections that this will, possibly, appear in an upcoming version – but, up until now, the menu sorts alphabetically on the basis of either, the application’s description or, the application’s name – and, the “Favourites” can be moved into whatever order you want – without unlocking anything …
I plasma I use it like this, I put the bar at the top, I use the dashboard menu that comes out going in the corner without clicking, like Gnome shell, I find it very practical and fast, plasma objects I don’t put on the Desktop, everything I do serves is in the bar