What happened to XINE?

(Running OpenSUSE 11.1)
Okay, I tried to play a DVD only to realize my computer couldn’t… So I did some research and found this…


What is happening?
Is this a Novel only thing?
Are other distros affected such as Ubuntu, Fedora, or Gentoo?

and most importantly, Why now? My Previous 10.3 install was not affected by this.

If someone could explain, that would be great. Thanks --John

Forgot to ask, Does anyone know how I can play my DVDs again?

It’s explained right there:

Packman's xine package is called libxine1 and it is equivalent to SuSE's xine-lib

Remove xine-lib and install libxine1. You can also try smplayer from the packman repository (I like it better than kaffeine).

To watch protected DVDs you also have to install libdvdcss (or something like that) from the VideoLan repository.

There is a number of articles on that. Check the opensuse site and the multimedia forum.

Read this I couldn’t have said it any better than the way it is said int his thread:
Multi-media and Restricted Format Installation Guide - openSUSE Forums
One more thing questions like this should be in Applications.

One word: VLC

Is there anything this app can’t play? rotfl!

I don’t use Xine, I actaully removed it. VLC all the way, it is included in the SuSE 11 release.