On my most recent TUMBLEWEED update xchat disappeared?
I’m using xchat-gnome for now but it’s missing much of the configuration abilities of regular xchat.
It really doesn’t fit the way I use xchat or how I have it visually configured.
I’ve been using xchat for years. This is a very weird situation that is just suddenly disappeared from the repo entirely.
Did the maintainer quit?
Thanks for the reply.
Both of those URLs give a 404.
So that isn’t really an answer to the question.
I’m hoping someone know the actual status of xchat and what happened.
A 404 is not promising.
It’s been dropped, the replacement is hexchat. Discussion here: http://lists.opensuse.org/opensuse-gnome/2016-02/msg00000.html
Thanks Malcom that’s quite helpful.
I’m sorry to see it go. I’ve been using it since I started using Linux it seems like. That’s a really long time.
Yup, me too… a little bit of configuration required, but look/feel is the same…
it’s still in the Gnome:Apps repo
or add the repo and install with zypper
zypper ar -f http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/GNOME:/Apps/openSUSE_Factory/GNOME:Apps.repo
zypper in xchat