I installed Leap on both my laptop and my desktop. I configured the laptop first. I
got lots of good help here to solve some issues with the laptop. When I finally had
that working correctly, I took a short break, and started configuring the desktop.
I figured the things I needed to do were all fresh enough in my mind to just get it
I was almost correct. I’ve got both computers up and running enough to get back to
writing my book. But When I added google-chrome to the laptop I was working from a
good how-to that I couldn’t find again when it came time to add the google-chrome
repo to my sources.
No problem, I thought… I extracted the url from the laptop’s Leap installation,
with which I used zypper to add it to the desktop’s Leap installation.
But I must have forgot a step because:
Just like the rest of my enabled repos. But on the desktop:
I thought it had something to do with the repo’s signing key. But when I finally
found the howto I’d followed to add google-crome to my laptop, I somewhat belatedly
followed the instructions. Only the first recommended step was done afterwards.
Which I followed when I added google-chrome to my laptop. Except I used a root shell
instead of sudo… But the sequence on my desktop was more like:
# open root shell #
$ su
# Add google chrome repository #
# zypper ar http://dl.google.com/linux/chrome/rpm/stable/x86_64 google-crom
# fix typo #
# zypper mr -n google-chrome 6
# Refresh repository #
# zypper ref
# Install google chrome browser #
# zypper in google-chrome-stable
# Install google's PGP key to avoid key warnings #
# wget https://dl.google.com/linux/linux_signing_key.pub
# rpm --import linux_signing_key.pub
After which I did the following:
# zypper ref
Since the ( p) is in the gpg check column I tried toggling the gpg check off and on:
# zypper mr -G 6
Which changed it to “( ) No” But when I turned it back on:
# zypper mr -g 6
It resumed saying “( p) Yes”… {sigh}
In the long run it probably won’t matter, but it bugs me that I don’t know what the
( p) means. Nor, assuming it should say “(r ) Yes” like the rest of them, I have
no clue how to fix it.
Would somebody please explain it to me?