Whilst messing about with unmounting my floppy, trying to get it going under VirtualBox, I lost my floppy entry in /etc/fstab. What should I add to make it available again? I’m using Opensuse 13.1 KDE here.
Thanks, Bob
Whilst messing about with unmounting my floppy, trying to get it going under VirtualBox, I lost my floppy entry in /etc/fstab. What should I add to make it available again? I’m using Opensuse 13.1 KDE here.
Thanks, Bob
There would be no entry for the floppy in fstab (unless you boot the host system with a floppy disk?). Now there would be one in mtab when it mounts when a disk is inserted on the host.
AFAIK, you would have to umount on the host for it to be seen as a device available for virtual box, just like a USB device. You can check it exists on the host by running the command hwinfo floppy.
If your talking about the guest vm, then isn’t there a little icon in the task tray?
This is what I have in my fstabs:
/dev/fd0 /media/floppy auto noauto,user,sync 0 0
You should of course adapt the mount point (/media/floppy) to where you want to mount it.
You should also be able to mount a floppy disk using your desktop without an entry in the fstab.
But udisks2 has a bug/limitation in that it always mounts floppies as root, not giving write permissions to the user:
A workaround would be to add “umask=0” to the mount options, see https://forums.opensuse.org/showthread.php/486152-Access-to-floppy-denied-after-mounted-with-Device-Notifier?p=2550234#post2550234Or just mount it manually with mount.