I was able to use the xpadneo driver for a while with no issues with my controller, a second revision xbox one controller (model 1708). The problem started when I got back from Christmas where it was as if there was no driver installed at all. I have tried slowly to use other available drivers for the sake of experimentation. I have tried using the experimental/community packages for xboxdrv and xone-dkms-yuga. There are also some quirks with the bluetooth connectivity where when previously paired, trying to connect again it will quickly connect and disconnect. Any input would be appreciated
The only thing that comes to mind is that a kernel update might have caused the breakage due to incompatibility with the kernel version.
Shortly before Christmas, Kernel 6.12 was pushed to Tumbleweed. However, the xpadneo kernel module was not ready at the time, as it required a newer version compatible with Kernel 6.12. This issue was resolved a few days ago, and xpadneo is now working perfectly again. At least for me.