What a Suprise V11.1

Booted up today and got a very christmas’y boot screen, i called my wife, rebooted to show her, and it doesn’t do it again :frowning:

Is this a random thing, on a timer or just a one off built into the boot. Whatever it’s a thoughtful addition at this time of year. :slight_smile:


I was booting about 30 times today and saw 2 Christmas screens too :slight_smile:

Guess I’ll have to switch over to 11.1’s GRUB install then, rather than add 11.1 to the old stuff!

I’ve actually still got a version of Space Invaders, done just with BIOS calls, that I used to add sometimes as a GRUB option, little diversions can be fun :slight_smile:

tictoc2 wrote:

> Booted up today and got a very christmas’y boot screen, i called my
> wife, rebooted to show her, and it doesn’t do it again :frowning:
> Is this a random thing, on a timer or just a one off built into the
> boot. Whatever it’s a thoughtful addition at this time of year. :slight_smile:
> Regards

IIRC the same was in 10.2 or .3 and it is a random thing.


Nil illegitimi carborundum

You can make it appear everytime: Short Tip: penguin Bootsplash

Yeah… nice little feature that pop’s up randomly in the month December.

I first saw it when using 10.3… but I guess it’s still in there! quite funny!

Thanks for the tip Beineri!

And did you discovered an easter egg? :slight_smile:

Press F8 at the installation boot-up menu and come back with impressions. :slight_smile:

I’ve just had it, booting off the Net Install CD!

It reminds of the Pingus based bootsplash, I installed once, for 7.3 or 8.1 or something, way back …