Weird Problems w/Photobucket and Jango on FF3

I’ve been having an odd problem with these two websites separately that, until today, I thought was two separate problems.

On, when I browse albums, the little navigation window (the one with the thumbnails of the previous, current, and next images in it) randomly disappears. Sometimes I can get it back by reloading the page, but not often.

On, the music stream will just randomly stop in some songs, and I have to skip to another to get it to play again. Other times, it will stop and nothing will restart it except for a browser restart. Sometimes it also just starts playing a song, then skips it all on its own.

I have a feeling these problems are openSUSE/Firefox related, as I have never had these problems on these same sites in Windows. I just downloaded Opera and some other browsers here so I’ll report back if I notice anything funny in those.

I should also note that I use two Firefox extensions primarily: Foxmarks and NoScript. My Firefox is version 3.0.3.

Any advice?


One update: the photobucket problem did not occur in Epiphany, but it did appear in Opera.

I will test Jango in these browsers tomorrow.
