OK, today I upgraded my graphics card from a GTX 1050 to a GTX 1650 Super. This card requires driver version 440.36 or newer for official support, although it has been unofficially supported in previous versions (see https://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=NVIDIA-440.36-Linux-Released )
The 1050 was running with nvidia’s repo G04 packages (version 390.132), but these don’t support the 1650, reverting to nouveau after the switch.
G05 packages have version 440.31, which should work. But after removing G04 and installing G05 packages with yast software manager I got the infamous black screen with moving cursor. A deja vú, see https://forums.opensuse.org/showthread.php/538185-Black-screen-after-nvidia-update-today-Sigh?p=2919684#post2919684
But also something new, a dialog box saying
It is not possible to to start Plasma because it can’t use OpenGL 2 correctly. Check if your video drivers are correctly configured
So I removed G05 in yast, going back to nouveau at 1920 x 1200 max. res., and tried to install it back again with the previous kernel version 4.12.14-lp151.28.32-default available in the grub advanced boot options. This time it booted to the desktop with nouveau, not the black screen with moving mouse.
Now the weird part: I just rebooted to the latest kernel version 4.12.14-lp151.28.36-default and the G05 driver is working. I can start nvidia-settings and the 4K display is correctly set.
Ah, yes, the G05 kmp module is compiled for 4.12.14-lp151.27.
Go figure.