I had to completely set up a server due to a messed up update, but now crontab -e refuses to work properly.
When invoking crontab -e without a crontab installed for a particular user it tells me “No crontab for <user> - using an empty one” … and hangs … and hangs…
For some reason crontab fails to invoke the editor, requiring that CTRL-C is pressed. However, in that moment crontab isn’t just aborted, but the editor is coming up instead.
Then, when attempting to edit the crontab (that is, pressing I in vim) suddenly displays “W10: Warning: Changing a readonly file” at the bottom line, but nevertheless switches to Insert mode.
Writing the desired data to the crontab works as expected, but when attempting to save I’m getting this: “E45: ‘readonly’ option is set (add ! to override)”
This can be overridden, and the crontab is installed normally.
However, when attempting to edit an existing crontab, the crontab command hangs again and requires that CTRL-C be pressed - but this time the existing crontab isn’t loaded, instead starting out empty.
Before having to install from scratch, however (I had upgraded the system from 12.3) everything had worked fine.
Anyone who knows what could be wrong here?