WeChat on Leap 15.0

Is it possible to install Leap 15.0 on Desktop Leap 15.0, aind if so, how to do that? If no, is there any messenger supports WeChat messenger?

Thank you for answering my questions.


I am sorry, question is: is it possible to install WeCHAT on Leap15.0 (but I think you understood)? Sorry for mistake.

It’s available in the standard repository, so just install…

 zypper if weechat

Information for package weechat:
Repository     : openSUSE-Leap-15.0-Oss               
Name           : weechat                              
Version        : 2.1-lp150.1.4                        
Arch           : x86_64                               
Vendor         : openSUSE                             
Installed Size : 3.4 MiB                              
Installed      : No                                   
Status         : not installed                        
Source package : weechat-2.1-lp150.1.4.src            
Summary        : Multi-protocol extensible Chat Client

I’m not sure that WeChat and Weechat are the same thing.
Perhaps the poster is referring to the popular Chinese messaging system WeChat.

As fas as I am aware there is no official linux package for wechat. However, you can use the web client

Or, there is a guide here on getting a third party app up and running in Ubuntu - so it may (or may not) be of some help in getting things running in openSUSE.