Web server

I have used previous versions of OpenSuSE and built some web servers without any problems I am now trying to set up a new one using 13.2 but after installing with WEB & LAMP server included I am not getting the HTTP option to set up Apache/Web site. This was always included in previous versions but I cannot find it in 13.2
Can anyone help with sorting this as I need to set up a new web site urgently. Thanks in advance

You may want to explain where/how you did that in previous versions. That makes it easier for others to help you looking in a specific direction.

Do you mean you don’t have the YAST Apache/HTTP web server configuration application?

If that is the case, simply install yast2-http-server ( **sudo zypper in yast2-http-server )**​ and it’ll appear in YAST.

In previous versions I have worked on the HTTP option was in Yast/network services

I have checked and in Web/Lamp server it shows that yast2-http-server is installed but I do not have the HTTP setup option anywhere I have looked

OK, I understand now what Mikiu guessed. But you should check if it is installed in e.g. YaST > Software > Software Management.

Try launching it with; **sudo yast http-server
Should work for both ncurses (text) as well as the graphical user interface.

Have run that but it still does not show in the yast control panel

It should launch the actual configuration tool if you run it from a terminal, if you have it installed - not to make it show

If not, try forcing installation of the applet;
sudo zypper in -f yast2-http-server

Thank you to everyone for your valuable help