I am big Opensuse fan and using Opensuse 11.0 almost like 3 years. But since last 1 week i have started experiencing problem with internet.
Earlier webpages were loading within instant of hitting enter but now it takes very long time more 5-8 minutes to load even google home page.
If i stop the firewall, then everything works smoothly. But i can keep it disabled. It was enabled since day 1 when i have installed suse on my desktop.
As openSUSE 11.0 never existed and even when it would have existed, would have been out of support allready for a long time (only supported ones are 11.4 and 12.1) we will have immense problems to confirm your experience, or try to recreate your problem on our systems.
When you want to be sure about your openSUSE version, please do
As you saw in our discussion, 11.0 realy existed (well, even exists when you take you system into account).
Your system, being not supported, will not get any Updates. Also I guess you do not upgrade parts of your sysem (like browsers) any more. Thus on one side it is not easy to blame your problem on a new version of something. On the other hand it must be easier for you to determine what you changed (configuration or otherwise) that could make this happen.
BTW, you did not tell us which browser you use, nor if it is browser specific by using another one.
And of coure it there will be a lot of guessing from people here, because 11.0 will be a very scarce item.
On 06/22/2012 01:56 PM, phoenixrr wrote:
> openSUSE 11.0 (i586)
> Can’t imaging upgrading to latest version. Using for more than 2.5
> years for Java development.
consider this possibility: openSUSE 11.0 has received zero security
updates/patches since July 26th, 2010 (almost two years) and in that
time there have been LOTs of browser, flash, java and other security
holes discovered and closed…
but not on yours…consider the possibility that the reason web pages
now take a very long time to load is because of the root kit sending me
messages to buy their manhood enhancers…
recommend you pull that machine off the net until you are certain it is
not a spam-bot network control node…
that is the only ‘help’ i’m prepared to offer for an unsupported,
unpatched system…others may have different ideas…
Thanks for suggestion on upgrading to latest version. I use current 11.0 machine for development work so not sure if it upgrade to latest in not going to affect my productivity. Need to install it in on some other system and test it for 1 and 2 month. If it works like my current system, then i’ll upgrade. Till then i need to bear this random slow loading issue.
Few day back i have installed one plugin from firefox which let me know which site is tracking me.
May be google got angry with that. I have uninstalled it. Let’s see if this solves my problem.
On 06/28/2012 10:26 AM, phoenixrr wrote:
> Till then i need to bear this random slow
> loading issue.
if you are willing to take the security risk of running such an out of
security patched/supported system, then you must bear both random
slowness and all more nasty threats which might rain on your parade…
good luck.
how will your productivity be if you machine attracts a root kit and you
must format the drive to recover?
I am having a problem that sounds a little similar. I am running openSUSE 11.4 64-bit on a Lenovo X220t. A month or so ago while in Malaysia I began to have similar problems, and was unable to connect to habitual sources. At the time I assumed this was related to some aspect of communications where I was staying, and it may have been. But maybe not. In the past few days I have had repeatedly an experience which I now realize is a consistent pattern. I start the machine. Goof connectivity. Some time later, the machine goes to sleep. I bring it out of sleep, and I no longer have a connection to the web. I can’t think what I have changed in the past few days or weeks. Its very frustrating because our university Email is on Google and you write a letter , then find you can’t send it or save it as draft, so you copy and paste and save elsewhere and reboot. Impossible to live with. Any suggestions? Thanks, John
To me it does not look very productive to hang you “little smiliar” problem unto another one that is more or less allready dead for a week. When you want people to help you on your specific problem, you btter start a new thread with a telling tiotle in the correct subforum. After all you want to bring your problem to attention of the people here on the forums… Thus do not hide it behind someone elses problem that is not exactly the same as yours. make a new one that will advertise itself as a new thread to the world.